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I'm sure someone has a list, not that it really matters for anything other than the purpose of this argument.

Most PS3 games do have an install although the number of games that require a significant amount of resources transferred to HDD (over 1GB to throw out a number) is considerably less.

Large installs: MGS4, GTAIV, Assassin's Creed, Oblivion, Heavenly Sword, Virtua Tennis 3

Small installs (to include soft updates, map packs, tracks, etc.): Resistance, MotorStorm, Eye of Judgment, Folklore, Stranglehold, Time Crisis 4 (full install option available), Call of Duty 4, UTIII (full install option available), Rock Band.

Most of the small installs include downloadable extras, map packs, characters, updates, tracks, etc. which would be the same data seen on an Xbox version of a given game.

That's from a 20 game sample.

GT5P and Warhawk really don't make the list since they are PSN games available on Blu-Ray. Is it puzzling that these games would come published on optical media, yet still require the same install as the downloaded version? Yes. Is it any different from a game available on Direct to Drive/Steam as well as retail packaging? No.

What consumers are in effect paying for are installer discs that must be in the drive to confirm purchase. Either could have been published on a single sided DVD.

Personally, I do find the increased reliance upon installs to be bothersome, particularly since it's becoming the standard, but hardly an issue in deciding which platform is "better."

The ability to install any 2.5" HDD alone makes the PS3 preferable from the standpoint of storage constraints and options.

In terms of convenience, the 360 definitely wins the Pop and Play selling point that the PC doesn't provide and the PS3 is often missing.