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DMeisterJ said:

I understand the optional thing.

It's just that sony was lambasted for installs when they should "only be on computers", or "PS3 is turning into a PC", but now everyone's happy to install so the disc drive can spin less, and decrease load times.  Which is all good.  But doesn't that turn 360 into a PC too?

It's just weird how things change when it happens to your console of choice. The same thing happened with FFXIII with some of the more colorful Sony Fanboys.  Now they're downplaying it to the nth degree.

 The big problem I have with installs is you can't pop in a disc and start playing. You are forced to create an ever increasing amount of data on a limited storage device. Eventually you have to delete old games and that means you can no longer just pop in the game and then play it. This system is far better than that because it retains all the strengths consoles are known for while giving it the option for something else. Similarly I think optional installs are good.

 I think calling it an install is a bit of a misnomer though. The system is just creating a disc image so you shouldn't need to have the game in the system to play it (sadly you do need it though). Still, it is funny watching some fanboys flip-flop from "even optional installs are bad," to "using HDD to speed up my load times is the best!"

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229