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NJ5 said:
misterd said:
naznatips said:
misterd said:
naznatips said:
misterd said:
Darc Requiem said:
It basically come down to what will have a bigger effect on sales. The "price cut" on PS3 in the US or the release of Dragon Quest: Swords in Japan. It is definitely going to be close but I will go with the Wii. I don't see the PS3 sales spike to overcome the boost DQ:S will give the Wii in Japan.


The Wii is selling out in Japan w/out DragonQuest. I don't see how DQ can make it even more sold out.

It actually does matter because Nintendo sends extras of the systems they are producing for the holidays to countries who are getting big releases that month. So yeah, it sells out, but it sells out of a larger stock base.

But as I understand it, the Wii would be selling out regardless. The shift may help the sales total in one area, but that also means taking consoles away from the other 2 regions where demand still hasn't dropped below supply.

No it's not a shift away from other markets, they actually ship extra units from backstocks (presumably being built up for the holidays) thus allowing Wiis to actually sell higher in some months because of shipment boosts.


Got it.

Now why exactly are they stocking up for the holidays? Why would they prefer people to buy their console in November than in July?


It has been repeated countless times, but here we go:

People are more likely to buy consoles in the holiday period, so competition between the three players has to be stronger in that period. If some dad or mum wants to buy their kid a console for Christmas and can't find it, it's possible that they will buy a different one. In the summer, it's more likely for someone to say "I'll just wait".

PS: I'm starting to think there should be a FAQ for questions like these.

I am aware of the stronger competition in the holidays, but wouldn't getting those consoles out now give a larger installed base heading into the holiday season? It'd be one thing if the consoles were going to sit on the shelves now, but they would clearly sell out, and sell out quickly. And won't all the people looking for consoles during the holidays just have increased competition with those who have been looking since the summer?