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This update looks to be great for bigger games, but people forget that the reason PS3 all have it already built-in is not because Sony was benevolent, but for he fact that BRD drives are s-l-o-w...they had no choice. I'm not going to knock other gamers on their console of preference, as I've got mine choice. M$ has been much smarter and craftier on this console, over the last, and sony just wasn't, which is why they are still playing catch-up....look at the Wii...Nintendo was smart as heck, and it paid off.

I'm looking forward to this update, and many of the other updates introduced at E3...2008 is looking to be a bigger year than 2007...just like many 360 fanboys hoped.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder