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DirtyP2002 said:

Sony Fanboys again and again.

  • You have to install almost every game on the PS3
  • This won't reduce load times significantly
  • You have the option, if you like to install on the 360 or not.
  • This will reduce load times significantly


I just don't get, why people can't say something good about another console. The PS3 is not my console of choice, but I don't say, that everything that comes with the it is bad. I can say it is reliable, it is quiet and not every game on it sucks. Why is there no Sony fan saying: "Hey, this option to install whether u like it or not is a good idea." or "the Netflix-deal sounds pretty cool" Believe me guys, it won't hurt you in any way.



I am a Sony fan, and I have said, and still think all those options of the 360 are awesome. I am very glad it's there. Where I take issue, is now when the 360 has installs, it's all the sudden a great thing. When it was just on the PS3, it was the dumbest thing ever done in console gaming.

Now because they are being hypocritical, there only saving grace is to cling onto the "mandatory" angle. Funny how that was never there main arguing point as to why not to do it.

Anyway, so no. I have no problems with the options. I think they are great! It's the fanboys I have a problem with :)