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I must say as a long time Nintendo the Wii well its very fun but the current game library could be improved. Yes I enjoyed very much Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart, Super Smash Brothers Brawl. But those are like the only 4. Of course the virtual console is always fun for some time. Maybe im expecting too much so quickly I don't know. I do know that I am getting the Conduit, Fatal Frame 4, and Sonic Unleashed. For know Brawl and Mario Kart have been the main games to play on my Wii. I wouldn't sell it because I KNOW that Nintendo is going to release some very good games in the future. Its just a matter of waiting. I can wait. However, if you want to sell it just make sure you don't plan to buy it again. Though for some reason I think if you sell it you are just going to buy it again thus making it a money loss for you.