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MrBubbles said:

well...since they would likely have to have an install on the ps3 anyways and the xbox time is shorter... that would seem the advantage.

Not quite.

The issue would have to do with the fact that if the PS3 version of the game didn't have forced installations, then the Xbox 360 version would (unless it was a horrid port) always load faster, and have other performance advantages.

So if the PS3 installs the game, the X360 will install faster, and possibly better (we'll see), again, if you want to do it (whereas a PS3 owner is forced to do it). If the PS3 does not have a mandatory installation, if the X360 owner wants the superior game, they can chose to have that experience.

Flexibiliy, and the option to make something better always trump a dev's sloppy foray into forcing consumers to do something like install the game to make it similar to the Xbox 360 version.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.