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My experience in the Metal Gear Online beta was rather mediocre. However, I was mainly doing automatching instead of searching for servers, and thus good connections, myself. Once I start searching for games myself and filtering out any poor quality connections when Metal Gear Solid 4 came out, I started having a good time. Only when your shots register instantly does the game provide you with a good time.

After a month of good playing, yesterday's update has brought the complete horror of Konami's Metal Gear Online rearing it's ugly head again. Yep, the release of the 'Gene pack' has again destroyed the Konami servers and sent things to a crawl. I couldn't log in a couple of times today and when I finally got in and got the 1.10 update, I recieved three 'Message of the Day' messages from Konami. The messages weren't really written properly and looked something like this,

"We apologize for the current problems that Metal Ge

ar online is currently having. We are working as hard as possi

ble to fix these issues and get your online experience working ag


The online store hasn't fared any better. Despite not remembering my KonamiID and password, I decided to load up the store for the heck of it to find a very hard to read message. Yes, apparently they've placed randomly chosen hourly IP bans on people to try and lighten the load to the servers. To make it worse, it's black text infront of a dark blue background so the only possible way I could read (let alone see) any message was if I zoomed in all the way.

Konami should cut their losses now and fix this problem... perhaps by dropping this Konami/GamerID crap and using the already established, and already exceptional, PSN service.


Don't believe me? Read for yourself,

"Before Kojima Productions and Konami get Hideo Kojima that editor he so desperately needs, perhaps the company should hire someone who knows how to launch an online multiplayer game. The Metal Gear Online "Gene Expansion" was released yesterday and promptly melted Konami's servers, resulting in the closure of the game's MGO Shop and Reward Shop and difficulty logging in to the service. Some MGO players have reported paying for the new expansion and getting nothing in return.

Konami's solution to some of these issues was to restrict random IP ranges from accessing the shops, in an effort to lighten the load.

The company has also cancelled all Metal Gear Online "Survival" battles planned for this weekend, promising to have a new hamster wheel installed to power the servers as soon as is technically possible."

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