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THe X360 is selling very poorly in Europe .Aside from UK it is struggling .And in UK it is about 750 000 consoles sold .It is know the EU market is about 2.5 times UK .The big markets are only UK ,Germany ,France ,Spain and maybe Italy ,the others are just very small .The total amount for Europe cant be more than 2.2 million ...2.4 at best . My guesses are US : 4.5 million . Rest of NA ; 0.45 million Australia :0.15 . EU :2.3 million . Japan : 0.3 million Total sold : 7.7 million . And thats being too generous . Monty ,I know how it sounds that there are 3 million X360 in shops and warehouses.. but it is accepting that(or that microsoft is lying ) or substituting NPD and Media Create by you and your "common sense " guesses .So I will stick with official data thank you .