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I just downloaded in and i've been playing it for a couple of hours. All i can say is that its awesome

Graphics are great, smooth animations, good framerate and probably the best cell shading i've seen

Sound: The original japanese voices, need i say more?


The first thing that struck me, is how fast paced the combat is and that combined with the smooth animations, makes the combat  really good. The support system really adds something(they may save you or attack your enemy) to the combat and the attacks are superb. THe stage is very big for a fighting game and the smooth jumping attacks, chakra boosts makes the map even more fun. The game really sets itself appart from "rise of ninja" combat and graphic wise. The best thing about the game imo was the special attack system. You have to execute the attcks like a normal combo and this makes the combat faster and it feels better. In Rise of ninja the special attacks were overpowered. Once you managed to excute the attacks, the doding system were based on button mashing and while you could reduce damage and stuff you could dodge the entire attack all to together. In ultimate storm however you can dodge the attack as a normal one and if the attack hits, you'll be given the button mashing option. The rage system is also awesome instead of just getting faster you'll get a whole new sets of attacks. LIke in naruto's case you'll turn into the one tail and you can use shockwaves, nine tail rasengan and the chakra arms. Kakashi will get the sharingan which is also good. Items works great, combo animations are great, the kage bunshin use is superb and all in all its an excellent fast paced fighter. And one of the best i've played.

This might turn out to be an AAA title and i really recommend that you look into the demo. Its really easy to pick up and play and if you're a fan of the series you must play this game.