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There is no evidence to support that the Balance Board will be bundled with any other game than Wii Fit.

There is no need for the simple reason that Nintendo has decreed no game shall require its purchase, even if it is a "Balance Board enhanced" game. But all titles using the Balance Board, MUST have standard Wii Remote controls.

Sounds lame, but considering people have been playing skateboarding and snowboarding games (the most obvious uses for the Balance Board) for two generations on a control pad, it's not a big deal. The Balance Board simply adds a new element of game play.

MotionPlus is a different situation as Nintendo has decreed that games MAY be made that require its use.

Anyone with the mindset for game design should be able to see that making a game that relies upon 1:1 controls provided by a 2 axis accelerometer controller (MotionPlus) cannot so easily be simplified to function with a standard single accelerometer controller.

The standard remote has no way to measure depth without using the IR camera/IR light array. Meaning, if it's not pointed at the IR lights sitting on top of your TV, it can't translate your position (more accurately, your remote's position) into on screen depth. It can only measure changes in velocity, not position.

So yes, there will be games that cannot be played without the MotionPlus attachment.

With any luck, they'll actually take full advantage of the additional design benefits it provides.

It's not a big deal since most people will be buying Wii Sports Resort anyway, same as they bought Wii Play.

The only problem comes when multiple MotionPlus peripherals are needed, which is why Nintendo should (if they don't already have one in the works) make a MotionPlus enabled standard remote.