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Damn that was a lot of posting: First I do already enjoy and play Battalion Wars :) so no need to tell me about it. I am absolutly no Zelda fan (sorry don't shoot me). Metroid Prime and Pikemin was great games but honestly not good enough to force me to buy one more of those games. That I forgot to say that I have played Paper Mario is really strange because it is easy the best GC game I have played (I am pretty angry on Nintendo for moving Super Paper Mario to Wii) and Super Smash Bros is dwarfed by Super Smasch football...sorry... Now: Ikaruga makes me a little bit intressted, is it just plain shoot them up? DK Jungle beat is it worth full price (because that is the only thing I can find here in Sweden) Viewtiful Joe? number 1 or 2? Does it matter? I haven't seen number 1 for a while but mayby I should hunt it down.



Buy it and pray to the gods of Sigs: Naznatips!