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Hey robjoh, I just found something interesting. IGN is doing what they felt were the all-time best 25 gamecube titles. They are doing it for the other last-gen consoles to!!! I'll put what they have so far and a link. They put some good explanations and influences of the games. Should be helpful, in fact I see stuff I missed to buy. Link: 25=Metal Gear Solid:Twin Snakes 24=DK Jungle Beat 23=Baiten Kaitos(first game) 22=Battalion Wars 21=Super Monkey Ball 2 20=Killer 7 19=Timesplitters 2 18=Rogue Squadron 2 17=Viewtiful Joe 16=Paper Mario If none of these post don't help you already(which I doubt because of our great community)you could always look up gamerankings. Of course I don't think Killer7 will be too high on that list. It was a hit/miss with critics.