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Please note that there actual and assumed numbers.  Assumed or projected numbers are indicated by a (*) beside it.


I will try to go into some detail and explain how the projected numbers came about.  I didn’t do that in the previous thread, unlike my Sony threads.  Then, I will compare to see how “accurate” the prediction was.

This was the previous thread:

Keep in mind that there is an inherent degree of difficulty predicting MSFTs EDD numbers, due to the fact that it was lumped with all other products.


Also, note that I actually did the MSFT projections before I did my Sony analysis (in my previous threads).  Therefore the MSFT projections and analysis were actually done with less care.  FYI.


However, in conclusion, I think you will see how the original prediction was quite close to the actual numbers that MSFT reported.


If any of you are a numbers geek, then let me know and ask nicely.  I may even send you the Excel file.  J  Cheers and happy reading and analyzing.