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Consider this, Wild Hogs received a metacritic score of 27 and still had a US box-office of $168,273,550 ... This isn't an isolated event, and many of the worse reviewed movies of the year see US box-office results at higher than $25 Million; and when you consider worldwide ticket and DVD sales these movies can see profits of $100,000,000.

Now, one of the questions that has to be asked whenever you see this kind of disparity is "Are these scores fair given what people are looking for and value when they decide to pay for this product?" ... If you saw a review score for a McDonalds' Restaurant odds are it would be (the equlivalent) a 20% score or lower because the real quality of the food and service is pretty awful, but (as most of us will argree with) you typically choose to go to McDonalds because it is easy, cheap, filling and familiar (things which are typically not valued in a review).