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Oy.  Final exams suck.  It's weird, because this is actually the first time I've had final exams where there wasn't some other outside crisis (fight with a close friend, death of a close friend, a war), and yet I had some sort of breakdown anyway.  Maybe I've just learned to have a six-month breakdown every January and July, and I do it whether or not I want to.  Whatever the reason, I've been more or less hiding from the internet for about a month.  Basically since my name turned red.  Which sucks, ne?

Whatever's going wrong with me, I'm still getting over it.  I basically "missed" E3, but looking around it seems like most of the "new" stuff was really just new information about stuff that's been revealed for a while, or at least strongly speculated.  Biggest news, I guess, was the PS3 price drop (zOMG, really!?!) and Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo's making another Mario Kart game!).

Bleh, either way, I've been gone for a month.  What have I missed, as far as forum activities?