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Kwaad said: You dont tend to come across as fanboyish. However I do wanna point out a few things about Dreamcast. I know about 5 people who were planning on buying one. (only knew 1 that had one) and then they just up and scrapped it. If they would have kept the hardware line going for another year, it would have taken off. Games like that, that sell the console, and 1 game, typically dont do very good. Alot of the older people I know, would buy it... Play it for a few weeks, and realise it isnt helping them in any way. Either sell it, or put it in storage untill they feel like playing it agian. That is like 3 games sold for the console. that is a horrible attach ratio. My main question about that game is, the fact the PS2, PS3, 360 versions all got rated better... Intrigues me. And it's not the. "Some reviews screw Wii games." thing. The *highest* rated review for it is lower than than the average for PS2, PS3, and 360. If things like that keep happening to the Wii... I'm losing hope.
Yep... I agree, Sega just DUMPING the Dreamcast wasn't great, but it was going the way of the grave before that anyway... PS2 just caught up and SMASHED it too quickly. Sega couldn't afford advertising or PR because they were too in the red, so for them to survive manufacturing hardware was not the way for them to go... i'm glad they are still alive I LOVED Sega but their game quality has certainly dropped of late. There was a time when I would consider their game quality level to be as high as Nintendo's however they pump out WAY more killer games than Nintendo does. Yep... I agree, horrible attach ratio but Nintendo makes profit off their hardware as well as software so it's only good for them. Having another piece of hardware out there that that person MAY purchase another piece of software for is always beneficial. Especially when the type of games that appeal to these type of game players is generally quite cheap and easy to produce (Brain Training is HELLA cheap to produce). Another example is Nintendog's owners which are young girls... Super Princess Peach and Kirby to some extent is perfect to transition these 'Tamagotchi' style Nintendog's adopters into their second or third piece of software. It is a sad state of affairs when the lowest reviewed versions of the games are the ones that sell the most... which will definately be the case with Tiger Woods - why the hell would someone buy this game for Xbox 360 or PS3 / PS2 if they could buy it for Wii and REALLY swing the remote... Gimmicky yes but that's what people want. YOu must remember Kwaad you read reviews from a gamers perspective... the reviews you read are done by other gamers... and thus it's hard to judge what will be popular on the market... these reviewers that review their personal oppinion towards a game gives an idea of what 5 - 10% of the market will like. Games like Bratz, Singstar, Buzz have all received pretty shonkey reviews, yet they sell very well... you can't be closed minded and think that EVERYONE thinks and likes games like a hardcore gamer... Games are for everyone and casual gamers and gamers who like less complicated games are LOVING the Wii... SOOOOO many people stopped playing games when Mario went from 2D platformer to 3D platformer because they hated the joystick and controlling in 3D. Nintendo brought them back with DS and NEW Super Mario Bros. what will bring them to Wii?? Super Paper Mario has the possibility of appealing to this group, but I think the fact it's 3D as well doesn't help, so thus I don't think it's a system seller.