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WiiGirl76 said: I'm experiencing the exact same slowdown from time, especially when going and leaving the menu-screen with start, which I have with the GC version. The GC version has the exact same graphics on the WII in progressive stand, as you can play Gamecube games on progressive in your WII for example, at least my JP games can. The reason why I say that to get everything out of the game will be impossible without rumble is that the game gives a special rumble feature to get hidden items, and with the VC version you're missing them Luckily this game and MM are the only ones with special rumble features on the N64, as far as I know, with most N64 games you don't really miss it. I had to copy my Virtual Console games to a SD card as my HD memory is getting tight now Too bad you can't play the games directly from the SD card but they need to be copied / stay on the WII (your WII, the games won't work on other WII's) to play them.
Could you explain a bit more what I'm missing without the rumble? I never played OoT on the N64, so I don't know quite what you're referring to? Also not being able to play directly off an SD card is silly, especially since I'm pretty sure all the VC games are loaded entirely into memory to play (i.e. the media doesn't matter a bit).