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BenKenobi88 said:
Ugh...there should be some crazy communist way of voting a ban on a person in the case that I'm gone...but then we'd just ban anybody that didn't agree with us hehe.

 You could give some of your more respected members the ability to ban for say 2 hours or something. It does not appear you are using a pre-made forum module that I am aware of, so I would assume you (or whoever) knows the system pretty well.

I have some decent experience with working with forum DB's through php, etc..but I highly doubt you would trust me to even see the code (and I would do the same ). But it should be fairly easy to set up, you can utilize the current ban functions in place and simply store the time of the ban in the DB.  Then when the person comes to utilize the site, the site checks their banned status, if they are banned and on your "time" list you check if their 2 hr time out is up and unban them if it is, or keep them banned if it isn't. You might need to add a new table, but that might be a good thing, you could have a form the "Trusted User" can put some quick info for the reason why the person was 2 hr banned and a link to the offending post/thread, plus the user who issued the ban etc.. Possibly even associate the post directly to the ban so the poor fella doesn't get banned by two trusted users viewing the post a couple hours apart.

 Though I suppose it is more of a hack'together setup than anything it would be nice for some of the more active and laid back members to have this sort of ability to keep these trolls in check. Plus with some relatively minor oversight precautions by yourself I doubt they would readily abuse a gesture of trust like that.

To Each Man, Responsibility