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@ madskillz

So Sony is a hypocrite. Big deal. They lied. Big deal. I'm sure Microsoft has never lied in their life.

It's obvious by the sales of the PlayStation 3, that the only people that care about it having backwards compatibility are people who don't want to own the system in the first place!!

Look at the O.P. of the thread: A non-PS3 owner, and someone who shows no drive to own the PS3. Look at madskillz: Someone who went out and wasted money on the PS3 so that he could bash it all the time but say, "Butz I'z iz a Pee S 3 Ownaz!". I mean seriously. Sales have been very healthy, outselling the 360 every week, but everyone's making a big deal out of this. 150-200k people who buy it every week don't care, why do you?