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Doesn't sony own part of S-E, therefore, they are disappointed in themselves?

I figured with some of the insanity PS3 fanboys are coughing up these days, I might as well give them something to jump all over.

Anyway, it's just business and come up-pance I guess, because Sony needed to be brought down a few pegs (nintendo will too soon). S-E are in the business of making money, and with MS making a move on other "sony franchises" you would think Sony would have made a huge effort to keep arguably it's biggest 3rd party title exclusive.

Evidently they are under the impression that developers have a sense of honour and loyalty, which is a big mistake to make, they, like sony are in it for the money and just as sony was cut-throat in it's demolition of the N64 and Gamecube, 3rd party dev's will jump ship the second they see it start to leak.