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JPL (BTW, I just realize that's your initial!)

Anyway, my internet went nut yesterday and couldn't log in at all I was hoping to play some co-op. Then my son got Left4Dead for his birthday and we just have been playing on that. (Awesome fun game, eventhough FPS is usually not my cup of tea but co-op make it very enjoyable).

As for characters, yeah, certain class get stuck if you focus too much into one element because some boss have immunity. I don't know if you ran into a dragon yet but he is immune to fire so if your HE is fire focus might be in for a fight there also. I went with back up plan with my Sera and gave her dual wield as 2nd weapon since I notice the BFG don't work quite as well on flying creatures and when I get swamp.

Wait until you get to the last boss....

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mysticD said:
JPL (BTW, I just realize that's your initial!)

Eh I never realized that... >< let's guess his name! John Paul Livingston!

We need to get that L4D going too>< I wonder if we'd be able to support a L4D league at VGCharts.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Graham, you are way off on the last name!

I thought about that, if nothing else we could just make an official Left4Dead playing thread. There might already be something like that. You would think its popular enough to have a clan or a league seeing as Killzone 2 has one here.

mysticD, I think I made my character SO powerful that it didn't matter if anyone was fire resistant. My fireball just does so much damage and I have a skill that automatically lowers resistance of everything I fight. Last night I beat the game and the only boss to even kill me was the final boss killed me once. All in all I died like 14 times total though. I'm going to try and explore 10 percent more of the map and then start on Gold level. Also try to go through on Evil campaign while not dying, not buying anything and not exploring more than 20 percent of the map.

I was looking at tournament state today. We need one more person to pick up UFC for it to be a full tournament! Someone, go a do that within the next few weeks...

NeoRatt said:
I was looking at tournament state today. We need one more person to pick up UFC for it to be a full tournament! Someone, go a do that within the next few weeks...

yes, and 2 more people please buy or rent Sacred 2!

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After putting it off for a while, I finally attempted and unlocked the 5 and 7 day survivor achievements in Dead Rising. Surviving was a lot easier than I had expected it to be. It's just really, really boring. I killed myself immediately after unlocking 7-day but I had enough food to easily last 14 or 15 days. Overall I spent 20 consecutive hours (5 hours were wasted on the 1st try; I wasn't paying attention and Frank died on me) and I'm happy to report my 360 is still functioning even though it did get quite hot. Only achievement keeping me from 1000 is Transmissionary. Not sure how I missed it in earlier playthroughs but I did.

eNamrah, congrats! I love dead rising and really wanted some of remaining achievements I don't have but I didn't have the heart for it. I want to try survivor but I don't know if I can sit at the box that long uninterupted.

I rented Avatar today. I'm sorry.

The league is up to date for this week.

We still need a few more people to get Sacred 2 and UFC.

d21lewis said:
I rented Avatar today. I'm sorry.

30 seconds of B mashing for 1,000 GS...  Only got you second place for GS this week...