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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you guys think about

I'm a reader and poster of, I love that site, the community and the writes, but I also like to visit because the news appear very fast... but, what do you guys think about the comments?

 The place is full of Sony fanboys, but they are very illogical and the comments are brain dead sometimes...


What do you guys think?


This is an example:

 mgs4 could possible sale more then gta and halo3 on launch week.and the reason i say that is because its being bundled EVERYWHERE. and its also big EVERYWHERE.

halo3 isn't big in japan and neither is gta.

but mgs4 is so we will see. i predict about 500-600 thousand sales in the first week in japan.

about 2million in the first week in america.

and about 2.5 million for the first week in europe.

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If you came here to avoid far-out Sony fanboy comments, you will be sorely disappointed...........

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Err sorry not going to comment on your MGS4 predictions, but it does seem a bit off.

Anyway N4G is cool as long as you long as you take it in small doses, I stay away from the repsonses and just grasp interviews not speculatory journalism.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

N4G is a great site, probably the best website for news since it's user generated and 24/7. The only problem is that the website IS plagued with fanboys. The funny thing is, when i decided to avoid N4G's comments, it was to refrain myself from reading stupid posts from Xboxfanboys (this was when the PS3 hype was at a low, and the MGS4/FF13 to 360 rumors were constant). Since then, I've read some of the comments and it seems that alot of the 360fanboys back then only have one bubble now or are completely gone because the growth of PS3 fanboys were just too much for them to handle. Now N4G is overrun with PS3 fans.... I guess that's how the world rolls, it's hard to argue back if momentum is absent.

I look there all the time for headlines because of how often it is updated. I've never even looked at their forums though so I can't comment on the bias of the membership.

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I think it's a great site if it's 360 and PS3 news your after. It's awesome because there's always news flowing in from all the users. It's especially useful if there's some form of gaming event on and all the new trailers are being posted and games are being announced. Unfortunately there are little Wii fans on there, and hardly anything gets into the hottest news or little is posted at all. I'm not a member, and dont post in the comments or anything like that. Alot of fanboys are there it seems.

I've seen you on other sites for a long time inciting fanboys.
You love the drama,don't you.

Disney will make KH3 with Nintendo.Yes,KH3 will be a Disney/Nintendo crossover.

Save the industry,Kill a Hardcore gamer

Stopped buying Ubisoft games.Will not buy Red Steel 2.Let them struggle on HD. Click here for a solution:CLICK
ALERT: I have also exposed a UBI'Z'OFT viral marketer in THIS thread.Read my posts, see the set up and watch how everything crumbles on page 8. Please learn from this experience.

I just use it is a way to keep me updated of all the latest news, I only very rarely look at or post comments, and just use the links to read all the stories

starcraft said:
If you came here to avoid far-out Sony fanboy comments, you will be sorely disappointed...........

If you came here for inane Microsoft-fanboy comments,you will love this guy.^^ =)

What? There's sites for gaming news, other than VGChartz. LIES!!!
I say get what you want out of it and leave the rest alone. There's enough sites on the web about gaming, that you can use different ones for different aspects of gaming.
Oh and that prediction is absurd. I predictz that NG2 will sell more than GTA4 and Halo3's lifetime sales combined on it's 1st day, because everybody, everywhere loves it hardcore!