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Forums - General Discussion - Half A Billion Fewer Animals Are Being Killed Every Year Since 2007 As People Eat Less Meat

Azuren said:
Interesting fact, not super relevant:

There has never been a successful 3-generation-or-more society that had a primarily vegan diet. Ever.

Your statement is false.  As just one example, the Tarahumara people of Central America have been largely plant-based for centuries, and that's just one example (and they're renowned for incredible feats of endurance too).

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Eagle367 said:
Vegans and vegetarians seriously think it's unethical to kill animals for food? And killing [lants is a ok because vegans and vegetarians decided they are lesser beings. I am opposed to cruelty and senseless killing of any being whether plant animal insect or even bacteria. I hate when people kill spiders and Anta needlessly. But did not one ever teach them about the circle of life? They seriously need to watch lion king. Call it God's plan or evolution and selection but for better or worse we are omnivores. The truth of the matter is vegans don't get all the essential proteins in the right quantity unless they eat a lot of soy or something like that or take supplemens. They even have to supplement vitamin b12 because plants don't have bacteria that make them. And supplement fat soluble vitamins as well. There's nothing wrong with that but claiming moral high ground is wrong I think. The only valid point they have is helping the environment and frankly it's up in the air if that actually does help or not because it's not simple addition you have to account for a lot of factors and I have not read up on a lot studies that prove that it's better. If science shows that it is then at least they have something but otherwise this whole holier than thou attitude is throughly unwarranted and completely ridiculous

The circle of life?  A call to nature?  Lions also rape, should we aspire to that too?  Most of us can now go down to the grocery store and get whatever plant foods we want from around the world.  I think we can do better than we did when we were struggling to survive in prehistory, or what lions do today for that matter.

As others have said, eating animals means also killing more plants (since humans eat herbivorous animals) than just eating plants directly, so any pro-meat argument about plant welfare is self-defeating.

And your statements about biology are false.  Plant foods contain all the amino acids a body needs.  Animals can't create the amino acids in protein, only plants can do that.  Plants take nitrogen and synthesize amino acids and combine them into proteins.  Your statement is based on the false belief that we need to eat an idealized ratio of amino acids.  We now know that's not true, the body breaks apart proteins and stores the amino acids separately, combining them when necessary into whatever ratio the body needs.  In fact, there's growing evidence that always eating a "complete protein" is bad for the body, and that amino acid imbalances from one meal to the next may actually have a cleansing effect on the body.  Any anti-vegan argument that contains "because protein" is self-defeating.

As for the environment, the United Nations (hardly a vegan mouthpiece) looked at all the information and concluded animal agriculture is devastating for the environment.  Hell, the meat industry has started acknowledging it: arguments are now sometimes made that factory farms are better for the environment than small scale animal agriculture because factory farms consume less land, less water, and less feed.  So if you eat meat your choice is the animal agriculture that's worse for the animals, or the animal agriculture that's worse for the environment.  It's a game that you can only win by not playing.

scrapking said:
Azuren said:
Interesting fact, not super relevant:

There has never been a successful 3-generation-or-more society that had a primarily vegan diet. Ever.

Your statement is false.  As just one example, the Tarahumara people of Central America have been largely plant-based for centuries, and that's just one example (and they're renowned for incredible feats of endurance too).

The Tarahumara subsist on a diet that is largely fruits and vegetables they do indeed eat meat; mostly small animals and fish, which makes up about 5% of their diet (which I've argued for years is the sweet spot that human digestive systems thrive at). Their renowned feats of endurance are also called "persistence hunting", which they use to hunt deer.

Last edited by Azuren - on 03 March 2018

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scrapking said:
NATO said:

Here's the thing, half a billion less animals killed to eat doesn't eqaute to half a billion animals frolicking free in the fields, it just means less animals are bred for the purpose of meat production.

That's pretty fucked up that you're comparing eating meat to one human raping another.

"Forced pollenation is rape, growing plants for the sole purpose of harvesting is murder, you should stop eating everything entirely."

See how stupid that sounds to you?, well to everyone that eats meat, that's how stupid your rape comparison is.

I'm aware that fewer animals killed means fewer animals bred into captivity.  Not sure what your point is.  Or do you think it's better for animals to be born into a system that (for example) puts them in a tiny cage and keeps them there their entire life at a huge cost to the planet's environment, and to the health of the humans who eat them?  Nearly 99% of the animals on the planet are now domesticated animals, with animal agriculture ironically doing more to cut into wild spaces for animals than any one other thing.  About a third of the planet's ice-free land is now devoted to animal agriculture, either directly or indirectly, and it's completely unsustainable.

Pointing out that animal agriculture involves rape and murder would have seemed an excessive comparison to me too, when I ate meat.  No one likes to hear bad things about our habits.  Things definitely change when you "take the red pill" and learn what really goes on behind closed doors in factory farms.  Murdering and raping animals is only not excessive to the degree that we accept it as necessary.  But it's 100% unnecessary since we have alternatives, and those alternatives are generally cheaper and healthier.

We humans engage in a curious form of racism, and that's thinking the human race is better than other kind of animals (speciesism, as it's sometimes called).  With how horrible humans are to each other, to the environment, etc., I don't think the evidence suggests that humans are deserving of special treatment.

I like how you completely ignored the comparison to your rape analogy of doing the same with crops on a mass scale, did that make you feel bad too?, aww, you ignore that whenever someone brings it up in the thread I've noticed, so clearly you don't want to discuss things like the mass forced production, forced breeding, forced growing and forced harvesting of all crops, worldwide, and the environmental impact that has on the world in running those agricultural machines, the long process of washing, drying, sorting and packaging, then the impact of trucks delivering said product around the world to stores, or the environmental impact of having animals habitats destroyed to make way for vast crop fields.... yet you act like this is an exclusive impact only done by animal agriculture, which is bullshit. 

All the environmental impacts, (to both forests, and animal habitats) occur whether it be a field for animals to graze in, or a field for crops to grow.

And the total land used worldwide used for grazing stands at 3 billion hectares, the total land used worldwide for crop production stands at 1.4 billion hectares, and while you might jump the gun and say "ha, see, it uses twice as much land as crop production!", you need to keep in mind that 1.2-1.4 billion hectares of that grazing land are in countries where mass crop production isn't possible (the largest of which being africa), and thus the animals are left to roam vast swathes of land in order to forrage for food themselves, with that in mind the land use globally for animal agriculture and crop production is very similar, and yet, if you got your wish and the whole world turned vegan, do you think the current land use for crop production would sustain the demand?, or would that land once used for animal agriculture end up used for crop fields too (yes, it would). in which case, even if every single person on this planet turned vegan, not only would it not effect how much land was used for agriculture in general, but the amount of land used for agriculture would actually increase to accomodate the demand, creating an even more detrimental impact on both the environment and wildlife.

I know what goes on in meat production, i've seen the battery hens, I've seen the abuse some facilities do (chainsaw to a pig, etc), and yet, I still eat meat, I still visit my local farm and buy freshly killed chickens, pluck them myself, cook them, eat them, still enjoy beef, lamb, chicken, fish, buffalo, the works, should I feel bad that some animals aren't treated humanely?, should I stop eating meat because bad things happen in the world?, no not at all, as you yourself pointed out in the last paragraph, humanity is guilty of at times doing equally messed up stuff to itself, and there is no end in sight to that either.

And no, I wasn't pointing out that animal agriculture rape and murder seems like an excessive comparison, you're straw-manning, I was pointing out that making the jump from that to comparing it to the actions of a rapist or serial murder, thus implying that meat eaters are comparable to said rapist and murderers, was fucked up.

So you can keep your "red pill" (ohh, you're SO WOKE!!), and all the other pills you guzzle down, and I'll keep eating meat.

Last edited by NATO - on 02 March 2018

NATO said: 

Soyou can keep your "red pill" (ohh, you're SO WOKE!!), and all the other pills you guzzle down, and I'll keep eating meat.

Just a quick side note: buying into vegan spins and propaganda isn't being "woke", because most people are well aware of the pros and cons of being a vegan (with the exception of extreme cases on both sides, though there seems to be more extreme cases in vegans).


Being "woke" is more like how feminism harassed the benefactor of a Men's Shelter until he closed it in bankruptcy (they ran a smear campaign that ruined his credibility and public image) and finally killed himself (another statistic feminists would rather sweep under the rug is actually male suicide, outnumbering female suicide 5 to 1).

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Good news. I do not eat meat or egg products. My consumption of milk based product is probably reduced considerably as well but it is little difficult to go vegan.


Azuren said:

Just a quick side note: buying into vegan spins and propaganda isn't being "woke", because most people are well aware of the pros and cons of being a vegan (with the exception of extreme cases on both sides, though there seems to be more extreme cases in vegans).


Being "woke" is more like how feminism harassed the benefactor of a Men's Shelter until he closed it in bankruptcy (they ran a smear campaign that ruined his credibility and public image) and finally killed himself (another statistic feminists would rather sweep under the rug is actually male suicide, outnumbering female suicide 5 to 1).

Indeed, was used jokingly/mockingly in response to the use of "red pill" to describe knowing about the negatives of meat production.

scrapking said:

Medisti said:

Just wanted you to know, man. I stopped and had a burger in your honor earlier. Tasty cow. It told me your are solely responsible, too. For murdering the cow. The tasty, dead cow.

Cool story, bro.

Defensive much?

More dismissive. I say "It's good that people have the option to be vegan more than they did years ago" and you basically said "enjoy your heart disease," lol. And the five posts in a row having to reply to every single person is getting old. Do you not know how to consolidate?

exclusive_console said:
Good news. I do not eat meat or egg products. My consumption of milk based product is probably reduced considerably as well but it is little difficult to go vegan.

This is why I argue vegans are healthier in most statistics. Not because they don't eat animal biproducts, but because they spend every waking moment analyzing their food. To be a vegan takes commitment- the same kind of commitment it takes to be an athlete. I would argue that anyone who watches what they eat as much as a vegan would be just as healthy, if not moreso thanks to all that delicious B12 that they don't have to eat actual dirt to get.

Last edited by Azuren - on 03 March 2018

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Absolutely. Their fuel is basically veggies, oats, grains, fruits, dry fruits. I have huge respect for them and how they have developed just taste. They are basically some sort of nutritionist as well. Most if not all barely eat processed, fast food or any tastemaker that normal person like me love to eat lol.