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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Most Wanted Voting: January

1. Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Switch)
2. Dragon Quest Builders (Switch)
3. Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS4)
4. Spider-Man (PS4)
5. Dragon Quest XI (Switch)

Around the Network

1. Mega Man 11 (NS)
2. The Last Of Us Part 2 (PS4)
3. Bayonetta 3 (NS)
4. God Of War (PS4)
5. Metroid Prime 4 (NS)

1. Monster Hunter World - PC
2. Dragon Ball FigthterZ - PC
3. Spire - PC
4. Pathologic 2 - PC
5. Metroid Prime 4 - Nintendo Switch

1. God of War (PS4)
2. Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4)
3. The Last Of Us Part II (PS4)
4. Days Gone (PS4)

TheGoldenBoy said:
1. The Last of Us Part II (PS4)
2. Dragon Ball Fighter Z (PS4)
3. Kingdom Hearts III (PS4)
4. Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4)
5. God of War (PS4)

1. The Last of Us Part II
2. Dragon Ball FighterZ
3. Red Dead Redemption 2
4. God of War
5. Detroit: Become Human

All for PS4.

Around the Network
VGPolyglot said:
1. Shin Megami Tensei V (NS)
2. Resident Evil 2 Remake (PS4)
3. Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 1 (PS4)
4. Metroid Prime (NS)
5. Fire Emblem (NS)


1. Shin Megami Tensei V (NS)

2. Resident Evil 2 Remake (PS4)

3. Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 1 (PS4)

4. SoulCalibur VI (PS4)

5. Metroid Prime (NS)

1: Bayonetta 3 (SW)

2: Street Fighter 30th anniversary collection  (PS4)

Last edited by Oneeee-Chan!!! - on 10 December 2017

Tagging for later on as I'm still a bit undecided on what to vote for this month.

uran10 said:
tag, will vote later

1) Pokemon (NS)

2) Kirby (NS)

3) Fire Emblem (NS)

4) Wargroove (NS)

5) Dragon Quest XI (NS)

Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

1.Metroid Prime (NS)
2. Shin Megami Tensei V (NS)
3. Fire Emblem (NS)
4. Bayonetta 3 (NS)
5. Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes (NS)