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How much did you like the Wii?

5/5 - Loved it! Underrated! 129 26.54%
4/5 - Great! 144 29.63%
3/5 - Good 80 16.46%
2.5/5 - Ok 47 9.67%
2/5 - Underwhelming/Bad 33 6.79%
1/5 - Horrible 26 5.35%
See Results 27 5.56%

I love the Wii, I still play it. In fact, I replayed Super Mario Galxy 2 very recently (I finished it last weekend). I love a lot of the first party games that it got, like Xenoblade, the Zelda games and the 3D Super Mario games. I liked the Wii motion controls, they were especially well implemented in Skyward Sword. Also, its Virtual Console is glorious, it's a shame that it's going to die soon :(

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curl-6 said:
oniyide said:

sure you can, but when those games account for most of the library of a system, thats kind of a problem. What other home console had as much shovelware or more shovelware than they had regular games?

I'd say pretty much every successful platform ever, (and for that matter nearly all platforms successful or not) have more bad games than good ones.

I dont see how you can say that. How much dance games were released on PS2? 4? 360? Im not talking bad games here. Sonic 06 is a bad game. I Im talking straight shovelware, your Dance parties, WiiFit knockoffs, bacheolors, what other system had games like that in such high volumes.

SR388 said:
I have used the Wii more than any other video game console. Last week my brother got married. The night and morning before he got married we played the Wii in the motel room. We played Mario Kart 64, F-Zero X, Wave Racer 64, Super Street Fighter II, Goldeneye and SSB Brawl with Game Cube controllers.

I believe the reputation of the Wii is improving now that the run of the mill third party games that the PS3 and Xbox 360 had are being forgotten.

Forgotten? They're pumping out remasters for those things, like the plague. If anything its the opposite of forgotten.

I know a lot of people look at the wii as a forgotten gimmick console,one that was not "for real gamers" but, honestly,i felt refreshed by it.In a time when everything is "epic" and big,and "artistic" and "the next big leap",simplicity is something to admire.

It was an interesting console.While it lacks some experiences delivered by the 360 and ps3,it had a really cool concept and some really good first party titles.

it was also,the first time that a lot of non-gamers(grandmas,fathers,mothers,etc)could feel that,maybe, this gaming thing was not a wast of time in the end.And thats something i can respect.

oniyide said:
curl-6 said:

I'd say pretty much every successful platform ever, (and for that matter nearly all platforms successful or not) have more bad games than good ones.

I dont see how you can say that. How much dance games were released on PS2? 4? 360? Im not talking bad games here. Sonic 06 is a bad game. I Im talking straight shovelware, your Dance parties, WiiFit knockoffs, bacheolors, what other system had games like that in such high volumes.

That's the thing though, a game doesn't need to be casual or low budget to be bad. A game like Sonic '06 or Duke Nukem Forever isn't any better than the likes of Just Dance or Carnival Games.

Finale said:

I know a lot of people look at the wii as a forgotten gimmick console,one that was not "for real gamers" but, honestly,i felt refreshed by it.In a time when everything is "epic" and big,and "artistic" and "the next big leap",simplicity is something to admire.

That was actually a big part of what made Gen 7 so amazing in my opinion; on the one hand you had the PS3 and 360 pushing these complex, epic new experiences like Bioshock and Mass Effect, while on the other you had the Wii offering a more relaxed and accessible pick-up-and-play approach. It made for a cool two-pronged approach.

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You should watch the video Adam Korilak made about the Wii. I think he was a bit harsh with his statements... but his opinions pretty much sum up my opinions. 2/5.



What were the we ! 

Smartie900 said:
You should watch the video Adam Korilak made about the Wii. I think he was a bit harsh with his statements... but his opinions pretty much sum up my opinions. 2/5.

Oh man, I used to be subscribed! Loved that guy, i'm actually gonna resub now

Just sucks his opinion is so ... generic ... 

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

What were the we ! 


AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Smartie900 said:
You should watch the video Adam Korilak made about the Wii. I think he was a bit harsh with his statements... but his opinions pretty much sum up my opinions. 2/5.

Oh man, I used to be subscribed! Loved that guy, i'm actually gonna resub now

Just sucks his opinion is so ... generic ... 

I bet he would love the Wii if a Shenmue game came out on it. I was watching his livestream on Sony's E3 2015 and he started crying when Shenmue 3 got announced. If anything.... he's a pretty passionate dude.