Approved by RavenXtra <3
Hello and welcome to the Ultimate Pokemon Tournament! This torunament will feature the first 721 Pokemon from gens 1 - 6 and only 1 will be crowned the winner. The First Round will consist of 36 rounds of 20 Pokemon and only 10 of them will advance per round. There are no second chances in this round, if the Pokemon is 11th place or below it is out! Voting last until the next round is posted which should be around 12pm EST.
Even though there are 20 Pokemon per round you are only voting for the 10 you think should advance like in the example below:
10p Wartortle
9p Squirtle
8p cyndaquil
7p chimchar
6p turtwig
5p poliwag
4p caterpie
3p Pikachu
2p Ledyba
1p Pichu
The Top 10 Pokemon for each round will advance to round 2
Match 30 Results:
1) Gengar 115 points
2) Rayquaza 110 points
3) Zapdos 86 points
4) Skarmory 67 points
5) Espurr 45 points
6) Frogadier 42 Points
7) Noctowl 41 Points
8) Politoed 33 Points
9) Cinccino 28 points
10) Chimchar 27 Points
10) Tangrowth 27 Points
12) Gloom 21 Points
13) Bouffalant 20 Points
14) Skiddo 19 points
15) Chimecho 17 points
16) Parasect 14 Points
16) Bastiodon 14 Points
18) Rufflet 13 Points
18) Remoraid 13 Points
20) Luvdisc 11 Points
We now move on to the 31st match of the competition, vote your favourites through to round 2
#272 Ludicolo
#388 Grotle
#10 Caterpie
#264 Linoone
#623 Golurk
#67 Machoke
#419 Floatzel
#588 Karrablast
#51 Dugtrio
#208 Steelix
#439 Mime Jr.
#343 Baltoy
#617 Accelgor
#85 Dodrio
#27 Sandshrew
#546 Cottonee
#1 Bulbasaur
#42 Golbat
#81 Magnemite
#3 Venusaur
Tie breaker: Chimchar vs Tangrowth
Vote your favourties through to round 2
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