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Forums - Politics Discussion - Trump claims evidence of voter fraud in Texas

Jpcc86 said:
Trump also claims he is capable of being president of USA. So, you know, cant believe everthing he says.

Ding Ding!

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sundin13 said:
JustcallmeRiff said:
Travel back with me to the election of 2004 where incumbent President George W bush defeated Democrat John Kerry. Across the country Bush received about 3 million more votes than John Kerry ,of course the popular vote does not matter in u.s. presidential elections because of the Electoral College. This is a strange and anachronistic feature of our presidential elections. Every state is allotted electorial votes based on Congressional representation, so every state has two senators so they get to electoral votes and from there it's decided by population like California has 55 electoral votes where Montana has 3. Most states allot their electoral votes to the candidate who gets the most votes in that state. A candidate needs a total of 270 electoral votes to win but might win some states by a large margin and lose others very narrowly it is possible to win the popular vote in the country but lose the election example Bush V Gore. If you're thinking all of this sounds bananas, I agree. But one of the very few even arguably upsides to the electorial college is it makes the u.s. presidential elections extremely hard to rig, because we're not actually having one election we're having 51 each governed by the separate states but in fact it's even more complicated than that because in every state counties and townships have their own elections with their own independent oversight so we're having thousands of Elections. This massively decentralized system protects against widespread fraud. Now none of this is to say our elections are perfect, voter suppression has been the Hallmark of US voting and suppression efforts have disproportionately targeted systemically disadvantaged voters. The poor initially and then when the franchise was extended women and people of color. Even today there are many political strategies for suppressing voters. Voter suppression is real but is not the same thing as widespread voter fraud which is not. In Most states observers from both major political parties monitor polling places to prevent fraud and fraud among voters is very rare. In the past 14 years that it there has been 31 substantiated cases of in-person voter fraud and 36 people have been killed by lightning strikes in this year alone. So the u.s. presidential election will not be rigged. Despite one of the major party presidential candidates is loudly and consistently claiming the election will be rigged. That there will be widespread voter fraud that people may vote 10 times that undocumented immigrants will vote and on and on. These are all simply lie's, they are not substantiated in any way and normalizing those conspiracies theories frankly scares the crap out of me. Because it means fewer Americans will trust our elections even when they are free and fair. I guess I understand fear mongering is part of of US politics but undermining the legitimacy of our political institutions without cause isn't. Hearing that unfounded rhetoric from a presidential candidate is a new and disturbing development in American political discourse. So I want to be very clear your vote will count the election will not be rigged if you're fortunate enough to be an eligible voter in the United States make your voice heard.

Did you just type out an entire vlogbrothers video?

NO.   not the the entire video.

Is the election pure and holy? Fuck no. Its filled with putrid corruption everywhere.
Are they outright cheating? Weeeeellllll, probably not?

But these issues are ofc pointless and not even worth talking about. Move along~

Imagine playing Trump in Smash. You'd need a clipboard for the list of johns.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

I think I'm finally starting to think he's being paid by the Russians or something. This is almost unprecedented in a truly democratic country because of how this is undermining democracy itself. The only major power in the world that operators by spreading chaos in other countries that I know of is Russia. There's no way he's dumb enough to not realize what he's doing, so he has to have an external motivator of some sort. Is there any way undermining democracy could benefit his business?

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Good lord... he shouldn't even have to worry about Texas.... the fact that he is even mentioning it means something has gone massively wrong for him.

I feel like it's important to point out that not only is the election not going to be "rigged" against him, but he is actively telling his supporters to try and intimidate people they think will vote for Clinton.

He's complaining about unfair elections, while trying to manipulate the system to his favor. Through a method that is just barely legal.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Bandorr said:
sethnintendo said:

Kicking people off voter rolls because they have the same or similar name as a felon isn't election fraud.  That is just how Republicans play ball.

I'm talking about how the registration place was raided by the police. There is a law that you must turn in ALL registration sheets no matter what (to prevent fraud) and that those sheets were used as justification to raid the place.

So a law designed to prevent fraud (throwing out sheets that only favor one party) is what they are using as "evidence" to investigation this africian american registration place that going door to door etc has registered over 45k people.

There has been no evidence released that they actually found fraud, but I also can't find any information saying whether they will allow those people to vote or not.

Yea that Indiana instance kind of reminds me of Florida in 2000.  Right before the election Jeb Bush was quoted as telling Bush Jr that Florida was his.  How did he have the foresight to know that Florida would be his?  Well he gave orders to his bitch Secretary of State Katherine Harris in charge of voter rolls to purge as many Democrats from the rolls as they could by removing people with similar or matching names of felons.  So a decent amount of people showed up to vote in Florida which should have been allowed to vote but were told at their voting center that they were not allowed to vote. 

Yea, so I might have been "joking" about my last comment but it isn't a joke.  Republicans constantly try to find ways to surpress the vote.  It is the only way they view that they can stay within power.  So what is happening in Indiana is of concern.

Thought things could get worse? Well now he would rather just cancel the elections and be given the Presidency.

“What a difference. What a difference. And just thinking to myself right now, we should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump, right?” Trump said as the audience erupted in applause."



Didn't think Republicans loved voter suppression?  Well looks like they have three groups of people they want to suppress the vote on.

which the bottom quote is taken from which is an interesting article that goes into the "Trump bunker" and the people he surrounded himself with (mainly talking about some Parscale guy).

“We have three major voter suppression operations under way,” an unidentified senior official with the Trump campaign told Bloomberg News in a story that ran this week on Trump’s political apparatus. The unnamed official said the Trump campaign’s explicit goal is to discourage three groups of people from voting: idealistic white liberals, young women, and Black voters.