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Forums - General Discussion - What non Marvel/DC comics should I read?

I consider myself somewhat of a comics expert. Looking at my reading history, virtually all I know is from the big two. Recently, I've been reading and really enjoying things like Invincible, The Walking Dead, and a couple of others.

Anyway, I just subscribed to Comixology Unlimited. It's basically a Netflix of digital comic books. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately since I need to diversify my reading) it has nothing from Marvel or DC. Any recommendations?

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Bandorr said:
Locke and Key.
Morning Glories.

Only two I can suggest.

I'm more than grateful. If they're good, I'll be in your debt. I rem seeing Locke and Keye available for download. I'll check them out tomorrow.

Read the Bone series.

Wordy, but it was a great series.

Calvin & Hobbes is an unforgettable comic as well.



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.

I became a fan of Groo The Wanderer a few years ago. I find it to be relaxing and funny. Just makes me feel good.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

If it is available to you, read Saga. Revival is pretty good as well. I loved the first series of Uber by Gillian as well. Lazarus is great. The Wicked + The Divine is, well, divine as well.

Also, I recommend Crossed: Badlands if you like really fucked up twisted zombie shit.  Crossed makes Walking Dead look like a G rated romp.

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... Empowered and her easily-ripped power suit.

Including the best side-kick around, Ninjette.

pokoko said:

... Empowered and her easily-ripped power suit.

Including the best side-kick around, Ninjette.

This moved right to the top of my list!


Gonna try "The Boys,", too. I hear good things about that one.