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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ubisoft CEO Warns of Dangers of a Hostile Takeover by Vivendi


Do you think Vivendi will acquire Ubisoft some day?

Yes 43 62.32%
No 20 28.99%
See results 6 8.70%
Darwinianevolution said:
Wait, if I recall Vivendi has a really big share of Activision-Blizzard. If they managed to buy Ubisoft too, wouldn't that mean they would become the strongest company on the western gaming industry?

They sold their part to Activision a couple of years ago.

This Ubisoft thing is them trying to come back into the videogames business.

Please excuse my bad English.

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Ka-pi96 said:

Actually 30% is significant because under French law if they were to get that amount they would be required to make an offer for the rest of the stock. The other shareholders wouldn't have to accept the offer but IIRC the minimum amount Vivendi could offer would be the highest amount they've paid for any of their shares in the last 12 months, so it would likely be a pretty good offer for the other shareholders.

But of course if no one takes up that offer and they stay at 30% then that wouldn't be enough for them to effectively control Ubisoft just yet.

Ok, that makes more sense now. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

That's a wierd law regardless.

What does Vivendi do as a company? They don't offer any service. They don't sell anything. It's like they just buy and sell shares. I mean, you figure after owning Activision/Blizzard they'd just ride that company out for eternity. Then they sold their shares...

Ubisoft pretty much killed their creativity themselves imo. I hope that they'll be in the future the company I used to love...