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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokemon Generations Olympics Event # 4 - Run Marathon

Approved by Leadified and Veknoid_outcast

Welcome back to the Pokemon Olympic Games. Today we have the first running event of the competition, the Run Marathon! In this event Pokemon that each team selected will have to run a marathon. This means that while speed may be important, being able to pace themselves and the amount of stamina they have will be the main factor in them winning. Before we introduce the Competitors that were chosen let us reveal the results of the previous race, The Aerial Sprint!

Event #3:

Event #3 Results:

Overall Indiviual Results:

This competition has 12 competitors, works very much like the Best user competition where each position will be given points and the one with the most over all will win. Here is an example of how you will vote this competition:

12p Squirtle

11p Treecko

10p Chimchar

All the way down until 1 point. These places represent who you think will place first with the one you think will win getting 12 points with the one you think would lose getting 1 and every placement in between. Unlike the Sprint, the Marathon lasts 48 hours and every user can vote once every 24 hours. In other words, You can vote twice this round.

Now that the rules have been explained we will now introduce the Pokemon that were selected to represent their generation!

Representing Generation 1 - Kanto, we have:

Arcanine andRapidash!
Representing Generation 2 - Johto, we have:
Furret and Umbreon!
Representing Generation 3 - Hoenn, we have:
Vigoroth andManetric!
Representing Generation 4 - Sinnoh, we have:
Luxray and Lucario!
Representing Generation 5 - Unova, we have:
Zoroark and Keldeo!
Representing Generation 6 - Kalos, we have:
Gogoat and Heliolisk
This Marathon will last 48 hours and will allow each user to vote once every 24 hours meaning each user has a chance to vote twice in this competition.
Comentators: This is the first running event we have today and while it may not be the clash of the titans running sprint it is still an exciting race in the run marathon. Generation 1 looks like to team to watch bringing in two of its strongest runners. Generation 2's choices are interesting. Generation 3 seems to be wanting to extend their lead bringing in a Pokemon that is said to never be tired, but while endurance does matter speed is also a factor. Generation 4 has also brought in some reliable Pokemon with great endurance and good speed. Generation 5 has some interesting choices but we'll know how much endurance and speed they have soon enough. Last but not least is Generation 6 who has brought in the Pokemon who probably has more endurance than every other Pokemon outside of the one who does not tire, but like we mentioned earlier speed matters. Each team has a fairly interesting duo going into this event and it will be interesting to not only see which Pokemon pulls off a win but which team manages to score the most points this round.
On your mark! Get set! Bang!

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Around the Network

12p Manectric
11p Keldeo
10p Zoroark
9p Arcanine
8p Rapidash
7p Lucario
6p Heliolisk
5p Gogoat
4p Vigoroth
3p Luxray
2p Furret
1p Umbreon

Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz

12p Arcanine
11p Gogoat
10p Rapidash
9p Vigoroth
8p Lucario
7p Umbreon
6p Manetric
5p Keldeo
4p Luxray
3p Heliolisk
2p Zoroark
1p Furret

Arcanine is both fast and has a lot of endurace so I can see him having a steady pace that is faster than the others which will allow him to take first. Gogoat would have a steady pace as well and due to his endurance he would be able to outlast and catch Rapidash right before the line. Vigoroth while it doesn't ever sleep it still wouldn't be able to keep up with pokemon that are way faster than it or have higher top speeds, Lucario is fast but he wont have as much endurance as Vigoroth and would probably barely lose to him Furret and Zoroark I see not having much of any endurance which would lead to them being last.

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12p Rapidash
11p Gogoat
10p Vigoroth
9p Arcanine
8p Manetric
7p Lucario
6p Umbreon
5p Keldeo
4p Heliolisk
3p Luxray
2p Furret
1p Zoroark

12p Gogoat
11p Arcanine
10p Rapidash
9p Manetric
8p Umbreon
7p Lucario
6p Vigoroth
5p Luxray
4p Keldeo
3p Zoroark
2p Heliolisk
1p Furret

Around the Network

12p - Gogoat
11p - Arcanine
10p - Rapidash
9p - Vigoroth
8p - Lucario
7p - Umbreon
6p - Manectric
5p - Luxray
4p - Zoroark
3p - Keldeo
2p - Furret
1p - Heliolisk

12p Gogoat
11p Arcanine
10p Manetric 

9p Umbreon
8p Lucario
7p Zoroark
6p Furret
5p Rapidash
4p Vigoroth
3p Luxray
2p Keldeo
1p Heliolisk

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

12p - Gogoat
11p - Rapidash
10p - Luxray
9p - Arcanine
8p - Manetric
7p - Keldeo
6p - Umbreon
5p - Lucario
4p - Zoroark
3p - Furret
2p - Heleiolisk
1p - Vigoroth


NNID: b00moscone

Switch ID: SW-5475-6755-1986

3DS friend-Code: 4613-6380-5406

PSN: b00mosconi

12p Arcanine
11p Rapidash
10p Gogoat
9p Umbreon
8p Luxray
7p Manetric
6p Keldeo
5p Furret
4p Lucario
3p Heliolisk
2p Zoroark
1p Vigoroth

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Friendly Reminded that this competition last 2 days and every user can vote once every 24 hours.

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