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Forums - Gaming Discussion - E3 & Leaks (a problem begging for a solution)

The E3 show is one of those moments when you have to glue yourself to a chair - or whereever you may lay them cheeks - and be there when the moment of the unvealing of an unexpected and desired game catches you off-balance and crushes your world, reminding you that your punny imagination and wildest expectations can be overshadowed by what life has in store for you. Such blessed moments, aren't they?

Not all times this happens of course, but how can you properly experience one of those reveals if you are not there, paying attention to those conferences?

Here is when the problem surfaces because Mother Nature doesn't give a fuck who you are and what the fuck you may be currently doing because "when you gotta go, you gotta go."

So I want to ask you guys, what do you do when you have to "take a leak" during an e3 conference?

Do you try holding it in?

Do you open the window and spray the neighboring foliage with your homebrew margarita?

Do you let it all out and then take care of the mess?

How do you deal with the problem?


Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

Around the Network

Umm...pause button?

Well played sir.

Gamertag, PlayStation Network ID, and Nintendo Network ID: Look at username. Huzzah for originality.  3DS Friend Code: 4038-6546-0886

Currently own PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, Switch, and 3DS

thats why i always wear diapers. they are great with situations like this, and are also fantastic with attracting the ladies. 

I just use the empty energy drink bottle that caused the leak.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network
Ljink96 said:
Umm...pause button?

Some streams do offer that option, but then you have people spewing details in the chat so there's danger still.

Megaoverlord12 said:
Well played sir.


BasilZero said:

Dont drink water all day.

Or if its too late - go to the restroom/bathroom when they show the following


1. Call of Duty
2. Playstation Move
3. Xbox Kinect
4. Nintendo talking about Amiibos
5. Generic MOBA or MMORPG game
6. F2P games
7. Sales statistics
8. Company History
9. Insert company PR person trying to be funny and/or emotional like that one bald dude that showcased Infamous
10. Technical Difficulties

Those are some nice measures, hopefully Mother Nature will understand and make the call during those moments.

bananaking21 said:

thats why i always wear diapers. they are great with situations like this, and are also fantastic with attracting the ladies. 

Diapers can do the trick. I wonder what ladies would think if you approach them wearing only a diaper and ask them: "Hey ladies, do you wanna go Tripple E with me?"

vivster said:
I just use the empty energy drink bottle that caused the leak.

Energy drinks and e3? I suppose some people get physical during e3s like jumping around during awesome reveals or breaking shit during painful announcements and shit.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

Seems like an ETERNAL problem...

jProphet said:
Seems like an ETERNAL problem...

Unless you are into Golden Showers, cuz then getting the call is far from a problem, in fact it is vital.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

Major mayhem today!

AbbathTheGrim said:
jProphet said:
Seems like an ETERNAL problem...

Unless you are into Golden Showers, cuz then getting the call is far from a problem, in fact it is vital.

Funny you say that because my response was gonna be that I call my wife to take care of it for me.