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Okay now this is just ridiculous, the original VA did 1-8, but not 9, now I am on 10 and it is same one as 1-8.

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BasilZero said:

One Piece is getting good although its kinda fillerish.

One Piece actually has next to no filler, amazingly. The only filler that might crop up somewhat regularly (read: once every year or four) are promotional episodes for movie tie-ins that last a few episodes before swinging back into the canon content. I think the only true filler moment was during the CP9 arc, when it spent three or four episodes just rolling through all the backstories again for the crew, basically recap episodes. The rest of the time though, even it means only going through one chapter in an episode, they will stretch the content as far as it can go without having to create anime original filler arcs. They learned the lesson early and have been keeping a relatively consistent chapter buffer ever since to make sure there is always content.


vivster said:
Well some shit just got bumped up to a fucking 10.

KyoAni shows once again why anime is superior to any other art form Last ep of Euphonium was absolutely stunning. Every shot like a painting, so much detail, such great timing. If that episode was just a standalone OVA it would be considered one of Anime's absolute classics. That director and staff belong into the anime hall of fame.

Vivster and I agree on something? Nani?!?!

In terms of art alone, I can't see anything topping Hibike for me this season. My jaw was dropped that entire sequence.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Rei won the last poll(good).

This week's poll is a best girl one(always fun to do these)

Best Monogatari series girl?


While the correct answer is Senjougahara I will choose Tsukihi because I am just that edgy.


If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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I want to agree with vivster just because the Nisemonogatari OP may be one of my favorite things ever both for being unreasonably cute and catchy, and for spawning that Old Spice monstrosity.


A few changes this week in my rankings of this season's animes.

9 -> 10 Hibike Euphonium
It's developing into a single piece of art.

8->9 Sangatsu no Lion
I went into this with the wrong expectation. It's not a dreary anime about a lonely Shogi player. What it's actually is a really endearing slice of life anime that revolves around a handful of characters and their day to day situations. While it certainly is not a comedy it isn't a drama either. It also isn't actually melancholic even though there are many emotional scenes. Instead of being depressive it ends most of its chapters with an uplifting feeling of "even if life gets you down, not everything is bad". I'm enjoying this one more than I could've imagined.

8->9 Takkyuu Musume
I might regret this promotion but I just can't help myself. It is in itself very formulaic and really doesn't have to offer a lot of substance. There are no surprises either but I can't help myself to looking forward to it every Monday. Now that the tournament ark is rolling in it's gonna be even better for me.

6-> 7 Keijo
After the disappointment of the first episode it's back on track. We get more characters and finally some actual fighting. It probably won't get higher than this due to other glaring issues but at least it's solid now.

8->7 Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
The last episode made it clear that either the director or the writer have no idea what drama is. Actually this should've been obvious from the first episode but I gave it the benefit of the doubt. Ep 5 showed that there is absolute zero substance in this anime. It's a dumb slaughter that tries to be edgy but fails hard at it.

6->7 WWW.Working
It has stabilized itself but still is only a shadow beside the original.

5->4 Wixoss
This one just narrowly escaped a drop before the last episode. It's not even comparable to the pretty solid original. It might still get dropped if I get even more behind my schedule.

You can find all of my current ratings here.

So far we have 2 animes with a 10 rating and a whole 6 animes currently staying at 9. Going by points alone this season is easily the best season I have ever watched.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

just came to say that any non shinobu vote is wrong

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BasilZero said:
uran10 said:
just came to say that any non shinobu vote is wrong


No, you are wrong.

Basil pls


BasilZero said:
Shadow8 said:

Basil pls


I hate shinobu and I hate Nadeko Sengoku.


Also hate Tsukihi Araragi


Garbage characters :3

... I hope this is a joke cause if its not, you sir have to go back to taste school. Especially if you put shinobu and nadeko in the same group.

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