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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your five most appealing exclusives on each console!

Rules are simple.




I wanna make an excersise on which everyone who post here has to elaborate further. This is by no means a thread about mocking, insulting, but self-respecting and acknowledging yours and others console's virtues in software regards.


The point is, you have to make a list. FIVE WII GAMES, FIVE PS3 GAMES, FIVE 360 GAMES. No, you can't just name two if those are the only ones you know. You have to make FIVE for each console. Whether those are your favourite games, or the ones that appeal you most (in case you don't own the console) you have to state so, and why that game appeals you. (one line is enough, though, you can write as much as you want) That way we avoid cheating (on which is really no point in doing so) and cheap answers.


Games that are allowed: Exclusive games, HD remasters of old games, exclusive arcade and indie games, games that are multiplatform in Japan but not on the rest of the world (I know some users in this site know Japanese and that doesn't affect them, but that can't be said about most of us).

Games that are not allowed: Games that are both in console and PC, games that are in more than one console outside of Japan. (It doesn't matter if it made it into America but not Europe), a collection of games exclusive to one console (if those games can be purchased separately on another console).


I can't stress enough the point of making five games per console. If you don't know them, then don't post. It's not that difficult to look up libraries and then see if you can get interested in some games. If, and only if, you have look up the libraries and you're still not interested, but want to post anyway, you have to explain by using five of that console exclusive games, why it doesn't interest you. Of course this will be under heavy moderation, because you can't come and put five Wii Sport games in your Wii list and say (WII DOESN'T HAVE MOAR JRPGS THAT'S WHY I DON'T LIKE IT). If it is obvious that you haven't bother checking libraries, you'll be kicked. Hard. In the nuts.


So, here's my list, let's see if this work:


· Nintendo Wii:

5.- Disaster: Day of Crisis. (The game is pretty bad...but I'd be lying if I say I didn't enjoy my time with it. Beaten three times, and the game had a lot of replayability, plus funny extras. I'd say Wii owners should give this game a chance, even if the fps drops and techincal flaws scare them!)

4.- Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (One of the hardest Fire Emblems to date, and the story was pretty nice. Some characters were annoying, though, and some others were totally OP)

3.- The Last Story (Best JRPG in this console, in my opinion. Short, by JRPG standarts, but sweet. Sad and emotional story, and interesting take over a JRPG's combat system)

2.- Mario Galaxy (Despite its sequel being one of the most overrated game ever, this gem spawned Nintendo's creativity and perfectionism, all blended into one of the most enjoyable platformers in years)

1.- Smash Bros Brawl (Over 2000 hours spent in this game. I doubt I have more to say about it).


· Playstation 3:

5.- Heavy Rain (I'm a sucker for Quantic Dream's games.)

4.- Tokyo Jungle (Grand Theft Auto with lions, baby!)

3.- Uncharted 2 (One of the best cinematic games in the recent years, and one of the games I've had more fun with)

2.- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog's masterpiece to date. I still have to finish it, but it has earned it's solid stance on videogame history).

1.- InFAMOUS 2 (One of the best sandbox games ever, one of the best Superhero's stories ever, and one of the greatest games, ever.)


· Xbox 360:

5.- Project Gotham Racing 4 (Even if you don't like racing games...this one is awesome. Can hook anyone. Best racing game I've ever played so far, and I dislike the genre).

4.- Shadow Complex (a thrownback to good ol' Metroidvania games, with high doses of replayability)

3.- Lost Odyssey (One of the best - if only a bit slow-paced sometimes - JRPGs in this seventh generation. Four discs can cause nostalgia and annoy you at the same time, though xD)

2.- Fable 2 (You'll be wondering, "what?" "Fable 2, seriously?" Yup. Even if the game was veeeery easy, it's probably one of the most charming games out there. Yup, charming is the word that can describe this game. Besides, in which other game can you dress as a giant chicken and have orgies in a castle?)

1.- Gears of War 3 (Great campaign and ending for a third person shooter, awesome multiplayer, excellent set of extras and replayability and incredible fun to play with friends.)


Your turn, guys.

Around the Network

Playstation 3

1.Last Of Us

2. Uncharted 2

3.God Of War 3

4.Killzone 2

5.Motorstorm:Pacific Rift


Xbox 360

1 Gears of War 3


3 Left For Dead 2

4 Alan Wake

5. Preject Gotham Racing 4



1. Donkey Kong Country:Returns

2. Zelada:Twilligt Princess

3. Zelda:Skyward Sword

4. Super Mario Galaxy 2

5.Super Mario Galaxy 1 Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

kivi95 said:

Good list, but your 360 list doesn't match the criteria of allowed and not-allowed games of the thread

Damn, Wright, you're not making this easy for us ;)

I made a list but scrapped it. This has really shown me I still have a ton of work to do with last gen games, on all three consoles.

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Damn, Wright, you're not making this easy for us ;)

I made a list but scrapped it. This has really shown me I still have a ton of work to do with last gen games, on all three consoles.

I'm encouraging people to look up the games available for the consoles. They could be surprised of the things the haven't played, and might want to try them up.


I even made a rule in case not a single exclusive appealed to you. But damn, you gotta be strict for that I guess.

Around the Network

5. Littlebig planet
4. Infamous
3. Gran Turismo 5
2. Uncharted 3
1. The Last of Us

5. Super Mario galaxy
4. Super Smash bros Brawl
3. Skyward Sword
2. Mario Party 9
1. Xenoblade Chronicles

Xbox 360:
5. forza horizon
4. Crackdown
3. fable 2
2. halo 4
1. Halo 3

Me gusta queso 

psn id: rychussnik

5.Xenoblade Chronicles(Will probably go up but i only played 2 hours of the game because i was busy playing TW101)
4.Mario Power Tennis(if not acceptable then please count it as MH3)
3.The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess
2.Super Mario Galaxy 2
1.Super Smash Bros. Brawl (my third most played game in my entire life just behind GTA VC and San Andreas)
PS3(I don't own it but i tried a few games and some seem appealing even though i never tried them):
5.MGS 4 ( i don't like cinematic games much but it seems very well done)
4.Uncharted 2(Same as above but the gameplay seems more interesting)
3.PSABR( I love SSB and this seems like a nice try at that)
2.The Last of US(Played it and it was very interesting at the beginning but got a bit slower during my 1 hour time with the game but still kept me interested)
1.Little Big Planet 2(only played it for 25 minutes but i absolutely adore the game)
360(don't own one):
5.Forza 4(it played OK and kept me slightly interested to play it again)
4.Gears of War 3(Looks fun but i never tried it)
3.The Kinect(couldn't choose a game because each on their own don't interest me but all the kinect games make it seem worth owning)
2.Fable 2/3( i honestly don't care which one but they seem unique enough)
1.Halo 3(heard a lot of good stuff about it which left me very interested to play it)

bet with ash3336 he wins if Super Mario 3D World sells less than Mario Sunshine during the first three years, I win if 3D World outsells Sunshine's first 3 years. Loser get sig controlled for 3 months (punishment might change)

Do you doubt the WiiU? Do you believe that it won't match the GC?

Then come and accept this bet

Nintendo eShop USA sales ranking 2/12/2013 :

PlayStation 3

5. Infamous 2 (Great open world, I really liked the characters and the story, It improved a lot on what made the first Infamous so great)

4. Heavy Rain (I had never played a game quite like this, so when I did it was really a fantastic experience, and seeing how many alternate choices there were to the scenarios was mind blowing)

3. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Big Metal Gear Solid fan so I was very excited about this game and it definitely did not disappoint for me, It was also the first game I played on my PlayStation 3 when I bought it)

2. The Last of Us (This was an amazing and very tense adventure to experience, I loved the combat in this game, the characters were amazing and I was on the edge of my seat throughout, Plus in my opinion this game has the best graphics this generation, what Naughty Dog manages to squeeze out of PlayStation 3 with this is amazing)

1. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Whilst I absolutely loved The Last of Us.. Uncharted is easily one of my favourite series of this generation, and in my opinion Uncharted 2 was the game in the series that really nailed it in terms of blending story, gameplay and characters perfectly to make a thrilling adventure.)

Xbox 360

5. Crackdown (Very fun open world game, collecting those Agility Orbs was a lot of fun and it had a great feeling of progression, I love games that allow you to just cause Chaos and I think Crackdown was one of the best examples of this)

4. Halo 3 (The last Halo game that I really enjoyed, I found the campaign very fun to play in 4 player co-op and the multiplayer was a blast to play, something that I could go back to for years and still get tons of enjoyment out of)

3. Forza Motorsport 3 (I was a big Gran Turismo fan on PS1 and PS2, But I felt that Sony dropped the ball with Gran Turismo 5 on PS3 so I found Forza Motorsport to be my go to simulation racer for this generation and Forza 3 was my favourite of the 360's Forza games.)

2. Fable II (I was a huge fan of Fable on Xbox, and whilst Fable II did not impress me as much as the first Fable did, I still found it to be a fun action-adventure game even if it was too simple and easy.)

1. Gears of War 3 (A fitting end to the Gears of War trilogy, Extremely fun gameplay and a solid story with some great moments, very fun co-op and a solid competitive multiplayer made this my favourite game on the Xbox 360)


5. Sonic Colours (I'm not a huge Sonic fan but Sonic Colours is the best Sonic game I have played, It had some great level design and great graphics for Wii, This to me is the best offering on Wii that doesn't come from Nintendo themselves)

4. Mario Kart Wii (Although it is probably one of the weaker Mario Kart games, I still played it for 100's of hours with friends and people online, Mario Kart is one of the games that kept me coming back to it for years after it released)

3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Great character roster, stages and gameplay, This is another game that kept me coming back to it for years for multiplayer mayhem, It's a shame it's online component is not the best, and subspace emissary could of been better... but it's still amazing and the best multiplayer on Wii)

2. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (I know a lot of people don't like Skyward Sword for a number of reasons, but to me this is one of the best Zelda games to date, I loved the story and characters, It was the game that best showed that the Wii Remote can do with it's gameplay design and I actually quite liked the art style)

1. Super Mario Galaxy (This is platforming perfection, a testament to the fact that no-one does platforming quite like Nintendo, Just when I thought not much really innovative could be done with platforming anymore, Nintendo brings out Mario Galaxy and blows my mind with what they had created. Game of the Generation for me)

Rychussnik said:

2. Gears of war



The first Gears of War also appeared on PC.

Wright said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Damn, Wright, you're not making this easy for us ;)

I made a list but scrapped it. This has really shown me I still have a ton of work to do with last gen games, on all three consoles.

I'm encouraging people to look up the games available for the consoles. They could be surprised of the things the haven't played, and might want to try them up.


I even made a rule in case not a single exclusive appealed to you. But damn, you gotta be strict for that I guess.

Yeah that would be near impossible. Although I have seen posts like "I don't like any [insert company] games," which boggles the mind.

Anyway, good thread idea :) I hope it opens some minds.