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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Bayonetta 2 off screen gameplay - Glorious 60 FPS!

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Holy crap! This game doesn't excite me that much, but those graphics are incredible!

This and X will make me buy a Wii U!

i cant believe how intense this game looks. I love titles like this, but for some reason never picked up the first. Depending on what else is launching around it I might get this game. It looks like Ninja Gaiden on steroids and man is it beautiful. Nintendo is doing quite the job with hanging with the PS4 and X1

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Music to my ears! 60fps

Steam/Origin ID: salorider

Nintendo Network ID: salorider

PSN: salorider

3DS Friend Code: 4983-4984-4179


Thank you god. I'm not a fan of hack n slashers but when i saw the gameplay in the trailer it was love at first sight, and now this!? aaaaaaahhhh!!! *faints*

this game looks astonishing to say the least!!
i truly had soo much fun playing the 1st one on my PS3 and would very much love to experience the 2nd one but unfortunately i can't since its exclusive to the wiiu and i'm not planning on getting one cause no other game interests me other than bayonetta 2. but i seriously thank nintendo for making this sequel happen.. and who knows maybe i'll find other reasons to own a wiiu. i'll just watch their conference to see what kind of 1st party games they announced.

Can't wait to get this and X for my wii u when they release

Going to be honest, Didn't think much of the graphics X's looked WAY better.