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Forums - Sony Discussion - Results: Top 5 PS Store Games of the Generation

Results are in and this is what you voted for as the top 5 PS Store games of the generation. Now I only need to tally up New Ips and Multiplatform before the finals is up.  Thanks for voting and participating everybody.

1. Journey - 65 points

2. Flower - 38 points

3. Fat Princess - 19 points

4. Wipeout HD - 16 points

5.  Super Stardust HD - 15 points


Top 5 X360

Top 5: PS3

Top 5: Wii

Top 5:  PC

Top 5: Multiplayer


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Great win for Journey and some love for Super Stardust!!! Flower at #2 seems right, with Fat Princess and Wipeout rounding out a good list.

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

Can i have a hellz yea.

Does Fat Princess still have an active community? I was looking to buy it this Summer sometime once the release schedule dries up (and I get caught up on my backlog).

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platformmaster918 said:
Does Fat Princess still have an active community? I was looking to buy it this Summer sometime once the release schedule dries up (and I get caught up on my backlog).

Not sure but I loved that game.  It had balancing problems but it was a lot of fun.  The Dark Priest is over-powered


Around the Network
pezus said:
Needs moar TWD

You are a good guy to ask.  Im thinking about doing one more round for single player games since i did multiplayer.  What do you think?


pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:
pezus said:
Needs moar TWD

You are a good guy to ask.  Im thinking about doing one more round for single player games since i did multiplayer.  What do you think?

Yes, I think that's a good idea. Single-player guys need some loving like the multiplayer guys got!

Ok, will do.  Thanks for the quick response XD