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Forums - Sony Discussion - GT5 official sales fixed 9.19 million as of Sep 2012 - Even PD UNDERTRACKED IT

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M.U.G.E.N said:

wanna bet it's gonna repeat with GT6?

Of courso not but I think maybe some guys change his mind.

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See guys, sales can totally give you boners, judging by peoples excitement here :P

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


pezus said:
sales2099 said:
See guys, sales can totally give you boners, judging by peoples excitement here :P

You should've been here in have no idea how much opposition the game faced, and now we have an opportunity to throw it right back at them!

I was on YT at the time, I know exactly how much opposition the game faced lol. But good for the game. Its legs are very surprising indeed.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:

I was on YT at the time, I know exactly how much opposition the game faced lol. But good for the game. Its legs are very surprising indeed.

Bolded: Yes and no. If you look just to this gen games then yes it's surprising but if you look at the other GT games then no.. it's like GT franchise is.

Cool I'm glad. I'm not gonna lie, GT5 disappointed me quite a bit (I've actually enjoyed Forza 4 more than I enjoyed GT5 and historically I'm a huge GT fanboy). But it was still a really good game.

I can't wait for GT6 on the PS4.

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Even more impressive considering PS3 has less market share than PS1/PS2. GT just keep selling.

CGI-Quality said:
sales2099 said:
pezus said:
sales2099 said:
See guys, sales can totally give you boners, judging by peoples excitement here :P

You should've been here in have no idea how much opposition the game faced, and now we have an opportunity to throw it right back at them!

I was on YT at the time, I know exactly how much opposition the game faced lol. But good for the game. Its legs are very surprising indeed.

GT legs are never surprising, at least for anyone that understands how the franchise performs. As some said earlier in the gen, userbase amount won't always determine who buys what.

That's why I say there's less excitement here than there is vindication. Many of us already predicted that GT5 would perform like this.

I get the vibe like this is some kind of GT5 civil rights victory, like a government bill was just passed that totally validated your beliefs that were previously persecuted lol

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


so will ethomaz personally be serving the crow?

I dare say I'm famished! :p

now that's wht i want to see

GT5 is 100k behind Halo Reach.
GT5 is about to be the second highest selling exclusive game of this generation.


EDIT: Oops I meant non-kinect exclusive game.