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Forums - Sony Discussion - Unconfirmed: Square Enix Holding Special Conference Early Next Year, New Final Fantasy Versus XIII Details Expected

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DigitalDevilSummoner said:

Kasz216 said:

No doubt Sony by now expected Blu-ray to be the dominent format by now.

Kinda doubt that since it is a bit unlikely that they would so blindly ignore tech trends.

But the Blu ray is the new movie standard, every movie on pirate bay is ripped from a blu ray !

What I mean is that the tech trends that changed the market is that big hard drives and broadband connections became the norm. I find it hard to believe Sony didn't see that coming.

Saying that blu ray didn't do as well as the DVD is dissapointment, is like saying the good ol' the PS3 is a dissapointment because PS2, when the market is totally alterted and the competition is different.


I would say the diplomatic, the bluray is doing well considering...

You may find it hard to believe... but you know.  Sony itself doesn't.  Just look at any of their early blu-ray talking points.

As for the PS3... you don't think Sony see's the PS3 as a dissapointment?

Of course they do.  Their initial expectations for PS3 were far higher then what it is now.   I can gurantee Sony wasn't expecting PS3 to be a net negative profits wise for it's lifespan.

I'm sure they're happy PS3 turned around... but PS3 sure isn't what they thought it would be when they released it.

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DigitalDevilSummoner said:
sales2099 said:
DigitalDevilSummoner said:
sales2099 said:
Should be multiplat and next gen at this point.

And what is this point ?

I've already explained how Square always had a FF title for the end of each gen.

And as about mutliplat, both FFXIII and especially FF XIII-2 numbers were not flattering for the 360. And the WiiU is too "young".

Defend yourt staement !

This point meaning its been in limbo for 6 years. The idea was exciting but now the gen is done and still no concrete details.

Better to upgrade the game graphics and launch it on PS4/next Xbox.Get back some lost buzz.

360 FF13 made a profit and FF13-2 was disapointing sales for both PS3 and 360.

Gens don't end when the xbox runs out of games ! FF IX was out when the PS gen was "done" and FF XII was out when the PS2 era was "done".

With the alleged architecture of the PS4 it would be suicidal to redo an engine developed for the PS3 hardware.

Tell me in what universe 2.7 mil sales of a realistically small production like FF XIII-2 is a dissapointment. Perhaps you have some Square insight to cite ?

Versus gets buzz each time someone in Square farts !

Please go on.

Gens end when Xbox played its last big guns and Nintendo actually starts a new one lol. Sony being left b3hind is their problem. The gen is done.

Ok then maybe it could be out for PS3 and be a next gen title. You know no more then me on this.

Compared to sales of FF13, 132 is a disapointment, no two ways about it. People like you may be a FF diehard but after 6 years of no details the hype tends to die down.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:

Gens end when Xbox played its last big guns and Nintendo actually starts a new one lol. Sony being left b3hind is their problem. The gen is done.

Ok then maybe it could be out for PS3 and be a next gen title. You know no more then me on this.

Compared to sales of FF13, 132 is a disapointment, no two ways about it. People like you may be a FF diehard but after 6 years of no details the hype tends to die down.

Amusing. Do you want me to remind how many consoles the PS1 and PS2 pushed AFTER the so called "end" of each respective gen ?!

(that's sig material what you said)

I know that an engine customised for a certain machine will greatly lack on a completely different architexture something that also results in additional costs.

FF XIII-2 is not a main numbered title, so your comparison is lacking. It is an objectively smaller production, that re uses the same engine and re cycles the same maps again and again, so unless you have a failed prediction from Sqaure themselves, i will accuse you talking... you know.

I am not a die hard FF fan, I am a die hard SHIN MEGAMI TENSHEI fan but Square is all we have on HD consoles.

Go on !

DigitalDevilSummoner said:
sales2099 said:

Gens end when Xbox played its last big guns and Nintendo actually starts a new one lol. Sony being left b3hind is their problem. The gen is done.

Ok then maybe it could be out for PS3 and be a next gen title. You know no more then me on this.

Compared to sales of FF13, 132 is a disapointment, no two ways about it. People like you may be a FF diehard but after 6 years of no details the hype tends to die down.

Amusing. Do you want me to remind how many consoles the PS1 and PS2 pushed AFTER the so called "end" of each respective gens ?!

I know that an engine customised for a certain machine will greatly lack on a completely different architexture something that also result in additional costs.

FF XIII-2 is not a main numbered title, so your comparison is lacking. It is an objectively smaller production, that re uses the same engine and re cycles the same maps again and again, so unless you have a failed prediction from Sqaure themselves, i will accuse you talking... you know.

I am not a die hard FF fan, I am a die hard SHIN MEGAMI TENSHEI fan but Square is all we have on HD consoles.

Go on !

PS1 and PS2 were both 1st place. Remind me what place PS3 is. Aside from God of War 2, PS2 didn't get anything significant after PS3 came out.

I compared FF13 to FF13-2. I dont care about the details. I am comparing sales. Your talking excuses...I am talking results. 13-2 sold comparatively bad compared to 13. Thats all.

Were going off topic. Just don't get your hopes up. This game has been in limbo for 6 years.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:

PS1 and PS2 were both 1st place. Remind me what place PS3 is. Aside from God of War 2, PS2 didn't get anything significant after PS3 came out.

I compared FF13 to FF13-2. I dont care about the details. I am comparing sales. Your talking excuses...I am talking results. 13-2 sold comparatively bad compared to 13. Thats all.

Were going off topic. Just don't get your hopes up. This game has been in limbo for 6 years.

Did you notice PS3 sales slowing down ? Cause you would be the only one.

PS2 got Persona 4 in 2008, remember who you're talking to, that's Shin Megami Tenshei Persona 4. I'm insulted.

There is absolutely no logic behind comparing FF XIII and FF XIII-2, one is a main numberd title in development for 5 years and the other is a little (literally) sequel made in some months. 2.7 mil is a stellar number for a jrpg like that.

Doesn't every article and thread, like this go crazy from RUMORS alone ?

Square wanted hype about something conceptual and got it. Diablo 3 was in limbo for longer than Leo in Inception. Did Diablo 3's hype EVER die out ?

Is that all ?



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DigitalDevilSummoner said:
sales2099 said:

PS1 and PS2 were both 1st place. Remind me what place PS3 is. Aside from God of War 2, PS2 didn't get anything significant after PS3 came out.

I compared FF13 to FF13-2. I dont care about the details. I am comparing sales. Your talking excuses...I am talking results. 13-2 sold comparatively bad compared to 13. Thats all.

Were going off topic. Just don't get your hopes up. This game has been in limbo for 6 years.

Did you notice PS3 sales slowing down ? Cause you would be the only one.

PS2 got Persona 4 in 2008, remember who you're talking to, that's Shin Megami Tenshei Persona 4. I'm insulted.

There is absolutely no logic behind comparing FF XIII and FF XIII-2, one is a main numberd title in development for 5 years and the other is a little (literally) sequel made in some months. 2.7 mil is a stellar number for a jrpg like that.

Doesn't every article and thread, like this go crazy from RUMORS alone ?

Square wanted hype about something conceptiual and got it.

Is that all ?

I notice it doesnt have the sales trends the PS1 and especially PS2 had, and has the least marketshare bewteen Wii and 360, so I would hardly compare it to PS1 and PS2.

Persona 4 sold 0.82 million copies. Hardly a game that spurred new life into PS2.

There is a lot of logic behind comparing both games.......they uh.....have almost the exact title and characters lol.

Think were done here.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:

I notice it doesnt have the sales trends the PS1 and especially PS2 had, and has the least marketshare bewteen Wii and 360, so I would hardly compare it to PS1 and PS2.

Persona 4 sold 0.82 million copies. Hardly a game that spurred new life into PS2.

There is a lot of logic behind comparing both games.......they uh.....have almost the exact title and characters lol.

Think were done here.

You are missleading in implying I am comparing numbers, I am comparing the trend and the trend stands, the PS3 has an increasingly bigger market share as time passes. In simpler terms, the PS3 will continue when the 360 will stop.

Persona 4 my dear friend, with its 0.8 mil, to which you so condescendingly refered, matched and even outsold jrpg games on the Xbox 360. Check and mate.

You said it yourself, "almost the exact title" means one was new and the other was a re work. Therefore there is no reason to have comparable sales.

Please tell me that is not all.

DigitalDevilSummoner said:
sales2099 said:

I notice it doesnt have the sales trends the PS1 and especially PS2 had, and has the least marketshare bewteen Wii and 360, so I would hardly compare it to PS1 and PS2.

Persona 4 sold 0.82 million copies. Hardly a game that spurred new life into PS2.

There is a lot of logic behind comparing both games.......they uh.....have almost the exact title and characters lol.

Think were done here.

You are missleading in implying I am comparing numbers, I am comparing the trend and the trend stands, the PS3 has an increasingly bigger market share as time passes. In simpler terms, the PS3 will continue when the 360 will stop.

Persona 4 my dear friend, with its 0.8 mil, to which you so condescendingly refered, matched and even outsold jrpg games on the Xbox 360. Check and mate.

You said it yourself, "almost the exact title" means one was new and the other was a re work. Therefore there is no reason to have comparable sales.

Please tell me that is not all.

Xbox was never a jrpg console. PS2 was the king of that genre. Persona 4 was a flop. Now im done, unless you want to unecessarily condesend me further.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:

Xbox was never a jrpg console. PS2 was the king of that genre. Persona 4 was a flop. Now im done, unless you want to unecessarily condesend me further.

So Versus has no reason to go multiplat since I made you admit japanese rpgs were a failure on the Xbox 360.

Which means I also made you admit your mutliplat proposal for Versus was wrong in the first place. Man I'm good.

By saying Persona 4 was a flop, with 0.8 mil, you are continuing to embarass yourself.


edit: Please more I have one more check mate to play !!!


i didn't give you my permission to leave

sales2099 said:
Should be multiplat and next gen at this point.

You said 3 things:

they should go mutliplat. check and mate with Persona 4 which outsold xbox jpgs and im NOT sorely talking about P4 sales rather showing 360's weakness which renders the argument mute.

the hype died. the reposnses in this thread and very thread and article based on mere rumors say otherwise. also Diablo3 is a good example of how alleged dev limbo can work out

they should go next gen. here's my big check and mate i was holding for the end: Agnis freaking philosophy. why on earth will they WASTE the tremendous 5 year effort that is Versus essentially with an "upscaled" version of Crystal Tools for the PS4 when they already work on a proper engine for the next gen ? what do you honestly propose they scrapped 5 years of work and develop the game on different engine because halo 4 is out ?


Yes, I am an ass but you insisted on something you obviously don't give a sh*t about out of spite.