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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN's Ninja Gaiden 3 Review..... a minus point is the game being unforgiving... NICE!

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ishiki said:
dahuman said:
Tbone said:
Looks tons better then the original released in March. Wait for Sigma 3 next year.

I really don't see a Sigma 3 coming though, they usually only do like 2 versions, this is a second version

ninja gaiden

ninja gaiden black

ninja gaiden sigma...

true, we'll see what happens, another reason I don't see it is because next gen consoles are all on the rise by now, sales won't be great.

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Tbone said:
dahuman said:
Tbone said:
Looks tons better then the original released in March. Wait for Sigma 3 next year.

I really don't see a Sigma 3 coming though, they usually only do like 2 versions, this is a second version

Guestion is, will it really sell on WiiU???

No idea, I have it pre ordered at Gamestop though, I don't see it selling better than ZombieU at any chance though.

dahuman said:
ishiki said:
dahuman said:
Tbone said:
Looks tons better then the original released in March. Wait for Sigma 3 next year.

I really don't see a Sigma 3 coming though, they usually only do like 2 versions, this is a second version

ninja gaiden

ninja gaiden black

ninja gaiden sigma...

true, we'll see what happens, another reason I don't see it is because next gen consoles are all on the rise by now, sales won't be great.

yeah, I'm not sure it will happen.

And if I remember the 2nd one only had a a release an original release on xbox, and sigma version on ps3. So, what you said was true on the most recent one.

ishiki said:
dahuman said:
ishiki said:
dahuman said:
Tbone said:
Looks tons better then the original released in March. Wait for Sigma 3 next year.

I really don't see a Sigma 3 coming though, they usually only do like 2 versions, this is a second version

ninja gaiden

ninja gaiden black

ninja gaiden sigma...

true, we'll see what happens, another reason I don't see it is because next gen consoles are all on the rise by now, sales won't be great.

yeah, I'm not sure it will happen.

And if I remember the 2nd one only had a a release an original release on xbox, and sigma version on ps3. So, what you said was true on the most recent one.

At least the game is not pure shit anymore, hope they do better with the next one

Hmm, Destructoid and GamesRadar gave it a 5.5/10 and a 2.5/5. Both said in the review that it is indeed a better version of the game, yet not enough to change the score greatly. The PS360 versions got respectively 5/10 and 1.5/5.

I hope that other reviews that will kick in are better.


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

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why don't they release a add-on or update patch of this to original PS3 and X360 ver.
or just release it on PS3 and X360 again just like how sigma ver. always came out after sometime

I don't like the reviewers ignorance about WiiU not being able to do AA! it does and it has been shown in other games!

great score though compared to the PS360 game! if they added a bit more blood it might have gotten an 8 though, damn you Tecmo!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Weird, I thought the reviewer said it doesn't look better than PS360 versions.

HokageTenshi said:
why don't they release a add-on or update patch of this to original PS3 and X360 ver.
or just release it on PS3 and X360 again just like how sigma ver. always came out after sometime

Far too many changes for just a patch and Nintendo is the publisher of this version.   Team Ninja would hae to make a lot of different changes again just to they don't get into legal trouble with Nintendo.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Metrium said:
Hmm, Destructoid and GamesRadar gave it a 5.5/10 and a 2.5/5. Both said in the review that it is indeed a better version of the game, yet not enough to change the score greatly. The PS360 versions got respectively 5/10 and 1.5/5.

I hope that other reviews that will kick in are better.

I think the problem is that reviewers keep comparing it to the previous version and just get bitter about the past shit instead of just playing the game heh.