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Forums - Sony Discussion - Which of these PSP RPG's should I buy for my Vita?

Buy P3P and Half-Minute Hero.

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All of them to be honest, you're even missing out on some other good ones.

Persona is the safest bet.

With all those RPG's good thing you have the 32 GB memory card


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

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Id say persona 2 or 3, the first was terrible in my opinion. Havnt played ys but ive heard good things about it...

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Trails in the sky 100%!!!!!!! It is slow to take off but it becomes possibly the best rpg on the system period.

Ys I & II Chronicles has some very..... interesting combat. You will likely find it difficult to play at first, it is a great game, but not a game you'd want to start the series out with. See Ys Seven.

Ys Seven is my favorite game on the PSP, it has fast paced combat, awesome music and epic boss battles.

Persona 3 Portable is a game my friend lent me, Honestly I hate turn based combat so the game felt really boring. If you like turn based combat you'll probably love it.

Anyway since you asked us a few questions I want ask you a few! How are you enjoying the Vita? Was it worth the money? What Vita games do you have? Finally, what Vita games are you looking forward to?

Hope the game(s) you buy turn out well for you!

Bristow9091 said:
So I'm thinking that I'll get Ys I & II, Ys Seven, and the first Persona to start with, if I like the first Persona I'll buy the next two, and if I like the Ys games I'll get Ys The Oath In Falghana (Also, does anyone know anything about the other Ys games? There's only I, II and Seven, I assume The Oath is either a spin off, or one of the numbered titles renamed, but like, where are 3, 4, 5 and 6? o.O) And after that, I'll get Trails In The Sky

I strongly recommend to either start with Persona 2 (Awesome game) or Persona 3. Both are amazing games, and really different with each other so it doesn't need to be played in order to like the saga. In fact, most of the Persona fans of today started either with P3 or P4.

P3: Fes adds a couple of social links, and a few twitches in the story. Plus the story arc "The Answer" which pretty much explains what happens in P3. However it's a grindfest and the party members are controlled by the - awful - AI. (Mitsuru's Marin Karin anyone?)

P3P It's the ultimate version, you can control the party members, it adds up a female version of the game in which you can do social links with the party members, and also new characters appears. Also, if you play the male version you will be playing the original P3 so it's "like" two games in one.

I strongly recommend to play P3 first, since Persona 2 it's splitted in two version and altough they are kind of different stories, the games are related. 

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Bristow9091 said:

Hmm, I was actually looking into Ys Seven quite a bit, and I'm thinking of buying it first actually... from the screenshots and videos the art style looks pretty cool, although I didn't pay attention to the music, I can just YouTube some tracks, lol. How is the battle system? Is it like Star Ocean or something, where you're free to roam around in battle?

And now I'll answer your questions:

Yeah, I'm enjoying my Vita very much so, some of the games are really fun to play, I recently got Frobisher Says! from PSN and it's insanely addictive, it's like Wario Ware but it's more inventive since it uses both the touchscreen and rear touchpad, along with both cameras, the gyros and even the microphone.

Was it worth the money? Well, I'll admit the price is a little steep, even though I found the Vita for £180 from Amazon literally a week after release, so overall with a game and 16GB memory card it cost me about £270, but yeah, I'd definitely say it was worth the money, and if it ever gets a price drop, I'd expect to see tons of people jumping on it!

As for the games I have, for retail I own Uncharted: Golden Abyss, which is a brilliant game, I wouldn't say it's on par with the console games, except maybe the first, it definitely feels... smaller, but for a portable game it's amazing what they've managed to achieve, I really enjoyed my playthrough. I also have Dynasty Warriors Next, now, I'm not a huge fan of the series, only owning Dynasty Warriors 3 and 4 before it, although I also own Samurai Warriors: State of War and Samurai Warriors 2: Empires, and I've got to say, for a portable version of the game, it honestly feels like a big boy console version of the game, although instead of missions lasting 15-20 minutes each, they're over in about 5, but it's perfect for those times where you're like "Ooh I've got 10 minutes spare, I can fit a battle in!" I'd really recommend it to fans of the series, or people who just like hack n' slash games in general. Finally I have Army Corps. Of Hell, it's pretty mediocre to say the least, the gameplay can be VERY repetitive, although some of the bosses have been really fun so far, and the soundtrack is pretty decent, listening to speed metal while fighting a boss feels pretty epic to be honest, although I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would, I guess I should have listened to the reviews, but they're not always right.

For digital games, I have Motorstorm RC, which I bought straight away because I'm a HUGE Motorstorm fan, it's basically like a mix of Motorstorm and Micro Machines, and along with a very small price tag, I'd 100% recommend it to EVERY Vita owner, or even people on the PS3 since you get both versions for one price! I also have Escape Plan which is a very unique and interesting game, the art style is gorgeous, Lil and Laarg are really cute characters and each have their own unique abilities to help solve puzzles. The touchscreen and rear touchpad also work together really well for this game, I've never had anything weird happen, it's very responsive, and some of the puzzles really make you think. I also have the free AR games that you can download from PSN, and my favourite has got to be the table football, I'm not a huge fan of football, I only watch it when it's the euro or world cup, but this game is really great, especially when you're playing multiplayer (Sadly, only one of my friends has a Vita, and he's away a lot at Uni). I'm also considering buying Super Stardust Delta, since I played the demo, and loved how hectic it was getting, but right now I'm more interested in playing more RPG's...

And then I have some PSP games, I own Half Minute Hero, Monter Hunter Freedom Unite (I play it with my big brother, I gave him my PSP for his birthday a few months ago, along with all my games, although he only wanted the RPG's, lol... but meh he still lets me play them whenever I like so it's all fine), Killzone Liberation and LittleBigPlanet (Although the latter two have both been finished on the PSP, I'm not even sure if they work on the Vita, haven't tried). As you know (Well duh you're in this thread!) I'm looking for more PSP RPG's to play, since all of mine are pretty much on UMD, and Sony never brought the transfer program over here, which makes me sad.

Right, now the games I'm looking forward to (I'm very sorry for turning this into a HUGE post by the way... I like to type a lot, lol) are definitely Gravity Rush, which is a no brainer since my petition brought the game over on physical media instead of just digital, and even though it's already out, I'm going to buy Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention, I'm currently playing Disgaea 4, which is amazing by the way, and I've put over 300 hours into Disgaea 3... anyway, I'm also looking forward to a new LittleBigPlanet, a new Killzone, New Little King's Story (It looks pretty fun) and although we know nothing yet, a new Assassin's Creed since I'm a HUGE fan of the series (I'm also looking forward to any JRPG's that are thrown over to us in UK/EU... and that don't involve creepy tentacles and half naked ladies). I'd say I'm looking forward to Resistance: Burning Skies too, which is out really soon, but I don't know, from the gameplay videos I've seen, it doesn't look quite... finished, there's been frame drops in the trailers and such, and it seems as if they should be given more time to polish it up... but maybe the trailers were from an old build and it's all working fine now, I don't know but I'll wait until after release and see what users say.

Hope they're good enough answers for you! :)

 Ys Seven really isn't like Star Ocean, the combat doesn't go into a separate area or "screen". You do, however, free roam around the "battlefield". Though it is more accurate to say that you move freely around the entire overworld. When playing you switch between three characters. Each character has an enemy type that they can do more damage against, so you will be switching a lot. This really keeps the combat fresh and fun.

When I asked those questions I didn't expect to get such a great response! I mainly asked because I am looking into buying a Vita. 3D gives me a massive headache so 3DS is out of the question. Plus, there is a definite appeal of having a console like experience on a portable (I mainly play portable systems while lazing around the house).

Many of the launch Vita games seem underwhelming, especially Army Corps. Of Hell. But when you're at launch and looking for a game even the mediocre games seem appealing (See Redsteel for Wii).  Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus is the launch game that I am most interested in,  Ninja Gaiden series has some of my favoirte games (Ninja Gaiden 3 not included). Super Stardust Delta looks pretty cool too!

I do think some of the future Vita games look awesome, like Soul Sacrifice. I'm also hoping for Grand Theft Auto and Monster Hunter on Vita. I do know that Freedom Unite's terrible controls have been fixed on Vita, so I'd probably buy it again. I'm sure Sony is right on making a new Motorstorm game for Vita, the PSP Motorstorm was awesome and Vita needs an awesome racer! Finally, from what I hear Resistance: Burning Skies is really short, six missions short, plus it only has 6 multiplayer maps and 3 game types, seems like a game I would buy when it hits $15 (maybe even less).

Anyway, thanks for the great reply, and be sure to keep us updated on the game you buy!

If you can get trails in the sky, pick that up for sure!!!!!!


Favourite Games of 2013 1.Tomb Raider(PS3) 2.Atelier Ayesha(PS3) 3.Virtues Last Reward (Vita)