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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Congratulations! You have completed this game 100%! Your Reward? do it again on hard mode because we couldnt let u have that choice to begin with!


* This is a general thread about this issue but it was Nintendo games that inspired this thread. specifically Kirby

Im annoyed...really annoyed.  I cant stand nintendo at the moment. I beat both kirby and Mario 3D land this past week and at first i was proud both times...untill unlock happened. Mario I got every star coin and Gold fal for every level.. Kirby I found every one of 120 eneryy spheres( last 2 zones were frustrating beyound belief), beat all the copy challenes( pain in the ass) and the the Arena.

Both games were alot of fun, but u think after puttin you through all that they would at least reward u with something decent.. no..they dont.


The reward for both games to do it again under slightly different circumstances.

When u get all 120 spheres, beat the arena aand copy challange, beat all levels the reward in kirby is to do it all over again in EX mode( basically the same thing but alittle more challenging)

get all gold flags, star coins, and optional levels and your reward is to do it again but with Luigi.few modes cosmic, normal, time race.some altered levels/items but virtually the same* havent gotten to deep in this yet so how great the changes are - subject to change)

without the sugar coating.. you unlock hard mode


so lame on many levels:

1. Cheap, lazy way to increase replay value.

2. unlocking difficulties is stupid..period, we should be able to decide the level of challenge from the get go

Both galaxies did this too..equally as annoying( not as much had bro do luigi)


but this really bothers me beuase  though I love collect-a-thons,I have a unspoken rule about them. I only them once in a fews years. I 100% the file and thats it.. I probally wont look at it again for at least a year. I wont be really 100% these games though I idid 100% just not by the actual ame standards..which is annoying because it makes the the 1st run seem like it doesnt matter

think about like this: My enlish teacher had us write 1 paper  per a week for 16 weeks.. one was a 10 page research paper. He then tells us that the last paper is the one that hes really going to look at as proof of improvement and not to worry about the other papers...   so why the hell did u make us write them?  if he would of just said that to begin with( had hard mode unlock from the get go) then this would have been a issue but nooo in order to extend the class work(increase replay value) makes us go through all the pre work 1st( first game beat)


How do you guys feel about this in general when games do this?

unlocking difficulties or another character who is virtual the same as the original to play the same game.

I would rather not rewarded with anything

* for people who have started the special it worth it to track through the game  again?

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Yeah the 3D requirements for the final world are nuts! Solution; don't waste your time and move on to the million games that are out right now!

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I hate not being able to start on hard there are only two exceptions to that. One is mirror's edge, I'm a good gamer and good at those kinds of games and I had trouble on normal my first time and story mode isn't that long. The other exception is games like diablo and games with NG+ since it is technically a higher difficulty but you can't survive at level one anyways and you don't lose anything.

But yeah I miss when games used to reward people who did everything with a bonus level or mode of some kind.

spurgeonryan said:
Collect a thons are just annoying! Anyone remember Donkey Kong 64? That was just too much. If they reward you for your trouble like they did in super Mario world or goldeneye 64 then it is worth it.

Why was Donkey Kong 64 just too much?  If you don't want to collect everything, then don't collect everything.

The perfect example is in Donkey Kong Country for the Wii.  One could simply go through every level quickly, not giving any mind to the KONG letters or the puzzle pieces, and it would be much easier.  Adding the collectibles (given that it is done right and it isn't just a joke to get everything) adds an additional challenge for those who want it.

In the games where I actually go for all the collectibles, I honestly don't even care if there is any reward in the end, it is just for an additional challenge, and to increase how long it takes to play the game, given that I am really enjoying it.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Yea, that is BS. Mostly because it's lazy. They need to have special areas unlock, or maybe modes that mess with gameplay. And when I say gameplay, I mean something funny to play around with, like wacky gravity or crazy character models, not just things that affect difficulty (less health for you, more for enemies). You would also think by now Nintendo would have come up with an Achievement/Trophy system of there own. Though, the reward still needs to be a little more than just a digital trophy.

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I know what you mean and understand your frustration, might as well have the supposed hard mode from the get go.


Your right i really wanted to play Dark Souls on Hard Mode.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

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That's just plain poor game design to be honest. Or perhaps archaic game design is the better term to use here.

I know it artifically increases replay value.

I think hard mode, if it's possible to beat it in, should be allowed at the start.

But honestly, after you beat a game, I don't think it's necessary for there to be any reward for beating it. It should just end. If you're not satisfied with a game after it's beaten one play through... then that game failed imo. Yes, extra difficulties challenges seem tacked on, or at times are neat. But there are much worse design decisions that developers make than this.

ishiki said:

I know it artifically increases replay value.

I think hard mode, if it's possible to beat it in, should be allowed at the start.

But honestly, after you beat a game, I don't think it's necessary for there to be any reward for beating it. It should just end. If you're not satisfied with a game after it's beaten one play through... then that game failed imo. Yes, extra difficulties challenges seem tacked on, or at times are neat. But there are much worse design decisions that developers make than this.

The point is slightly being missed here..its not that i wanted a reward, brcause trust me i was satisfied after I beat both. Its the fact that the game sort of robs that by making u play through it all over kinda makes all worthless when in a sense EX mode is the real mode