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Fallawful said:
d21lewis said:

I agree that TFA started things off on the wrong foot. I wanted to love it. I liked it okay but I personally wanted an original story before diving back into the familiar. When it was over, I said to myself "This is the new crew. Now that this is out the way, let's see where this goes..." and I was excited.

I saw TLJ review scores and I was even more excited. I saw TLJ and...I didn't enjoy it. As an audience member, it wasn't my job to write the story or say "They should have done this." My job was to watch the film and be entertained. I wasn't. I was actually bored and couldn't even turn off my brain and enjoy it in any capacity.

BUT based on your challenge, Luke could have just said something like:

-"I've been expecting you."

-"There are forces at work that you don't yet understand."

-He could have gone there to train at this sacred Jedi training ground to get more powerful for the unknown threat out there. He was "The Last Jedi" and Kylo and his Knights were looking for him.

All pulled directly from my ass in thirty seconds. Probably all sucked but I'm not a writer 

*On a different note, if I WAS a writer, I'd have had it be revealed that Finn was "Order 66'd" into joining the rebellion. That he was the reason the First Order was tracking the Rebellion in TLJ. He would spend the rest of the trilogy trying to redeem himself and that's what he would be trying to tell Rey. That's my personal fanfic, though.

As a random guy on the internet, I will let you know that I feel completely entitled to re-write a movie for the professional writers

These are honestly not bad. He could have totally been training - and I was thinking that he could have easily created a new Jedi academy in hiding after Kylo wiped out the previous one. The biggest issue remains, though, is that he is unnecessarily not communicating this with anyone in the resistance - or at least helping them while they are actively getting pummelled out there. Even if he had good motives it's very uncharacteristic of Luke to not be there in the first place. 

I take a stab at this just for fun.  After the academy was destroyed by Kylo he came to a realization that the history of the silth and jedi have been for millenniums this same story of back and forth destruction.  The force continuously trying to keep balance between the dark side and the light side.  He search out Exegol as to further learn the history of both the silth and light side.  Eventually the force gives him a vision of the past and how before there was jedi and silth there was the Je'daii Order ( and the only way to truly return balance to the force is to go back to the ancient teachings.

He goes to that planet to try to find balance between the light and dark within him self which explains why he cut him self off from the world and that where Rey finds him.  Then going forward it could be about rey also finding that balance and helping others and in the end both the Jedi order and the silth order become a thing of history as balance is finally returned and rey start a new order based on the ancient Je'faii Order.

Last edited by Cyran - on 26 December 2019