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People really need to keep in mind that just because an aggregate, like Metacritic, may be a nice place to get an overview of a great assortment of reviews, as well as bringing them all in line with a singular, easy to understand score system, the sites they're pulling from can use vastly different rating systems. One man's 2/5 (or 4/10) doesn't necessarily equal someone else's opinion, even if they put the same number score at the end. While popular gaming media outlets may have conditioned you to view 7/10 as an average game, there are in fact others who would give a 5/10 to what they think is an average game. That's not even taking subjective criteria, like how heavily one weighs various aspects of the experience, into account.

If you dismiss certain reviews simply because you don't like the number attached to it, you're doing yourself a disservice in regards to how you gather your information. Maybe actually read what someone has to say about the thing they're evaluating. Maybe that person's view still won't align with your own, or provide you with a worthwhile perspective, but maybe it will....either way, at least your response to their work will mean something.

Simply having a rant about a score being too low or too high, without any context of how someone arrived there, coming solely from your own prism of perspective, is completely ignorant.