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I am really surprised there are still gamers out there defending NMS.
Being a lie and not being able to live up to the game standards are two different things and NMS failed at both.

I am not a huge fan of Angry Joe however his review of the game is spot on from a gamers perspective and links many trailers and many things Murray said before the launch of the game. Those defending NMS need to watch his video. If you are not a fan of Angry Joe, go watch one of Jim Sterling videos on YouTube, he has a library of videos about NMS.

Weather or not the game was created by a Indie Studio, a AAA studio or 3 people.. the fact the game was sold at full retail price and had Sony backing it does not mean you can lie to your audience. NMS and Hello Games lied and the proof is in the videos below. The other issue was why didn't Sony step in and ask Hello Games that can they back up there claims for this game.. of course they didn't because both Sony and Hello Games were riding the hype train and free marketing that NMS was getting and they were rolling in your pre-orders. Yes they were making lots and lots of money while making up false promises. 

Here is a short example of one of Murrays biggest lies. He claimed it is extremely rare to come across another player and even said yes to grieving other players.. that was proven impossible when two players went to the same location and stood in the same spot only to realize that the other player was completely invisible.

The game was promised to be the Star Citizen for consoles and all we got was another Minecraft in space game. Sure the planet traveling is cool and gamers can enjoy the game how it is but that doesn't excuse the point of the lies to rake in pre-orders. Yes I brought this game at launch and paid top dollar for it and was heavily disappointed. I tried playing it afew months ago and still cannot get into it. Maybe because I have Star Citizen on my mind every time I think of NMS.

Angry Joe

Jim Sterling