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Jaicee said:

Wow. Bernie Sanders people are even more narrow-minded than I thought. ELIZABETH WARREN, who is running on a platform objectively LEFT OF Bernie's (think not just single-payer health care and tuition-free college and a $15/hour minimum wage, but also breaking up the tech giants, giving workers a minimum 40% ownership stake in the companies they work for, etc.), is a pro-corporate, establishment tool? Really?

There's no question that Warren is a registered and committed partisan Democrat, but I guess that's just not a dividing line for me when it comes to candidates running to be the Democratic Party's nominee for president

There is also no question that she has a race problem when it comes to who is supporting her as yet, but would point out that so did Bernie Sanders back in 2016 when the nation was first being introduced to him at this same level. But Krystal Ball is full of it when it comes to the income breakdown of her supporters. Warren regularly polls in third among low-income Americans, mirroring her overall position in the polls (which has mostly been third place). I would also duly remind the reader that Warren's average campaign contribution size in the second quarter was $28, which is exactly what that of Bernie Sanders was in 2016, and is only half that of candidates like Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg. And that Warren does not take corporate donations or attend high-dollar fundraisers.

As to all this "glowing media coverage" that Warren has received, one wonders whether Krystal Ball has been paying attention in the last two weeks because most of it that I've seen has focused on her "Pocahantas problem", as it's being termed, now that it's clear she's not going away.

If Bernie Sanders supporters really and truly believe that ELIZABETH WARREN is the establishment candidate in this race and their worst enemy bar none, then I have to conclude that what Bernie Sanders has going for him is called a personality cult.

This message brought to you by one of those "wealthy white liberal elites" on food stamps who supports Elizabeth Warren.

Generalizing Bernie supporters and then in the same post decrying the generalization of Warren supporters is hardly fair and is disingenuous.

While I don't agree with everything Ball said in the video she raises a valid concern in Warren's assurance to the establishment Democrats who are extremely corporate friendly that she's aligned with them. Working within your party is expected but only time will tell if Warren's assurance here means something else entirely like that of what Ball describes.

In defense of Ball, Warren's ideology wasn't put into scrutiny in this video, in fact even after this opinion piece she has openly defended Warren on the show. There's no question Warren is running a progressive campaign. I don't believe she's saying Warren's pro-corporate because of this report just that it could be concerning in the long run. And she considers just Sanders, Biden, and Warren to be the only viable candidates. So when she says Warren polls last in low-income Americans she's correct when taken into her context as illustrated by you.

Regardless this will help Warren and it's a very smart move. It exploits one of Bernie's weaknesses in that his support with establishment Democrats is incredibly weak.

Last edited by tsogud - on 28 August 2019