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Bofferbrauer2 said:
numberwang said:

I don´t want to spoil the fun but Biden has a guarantee to win the primaries because he has a massive lock on the black Democrats vote of nearly 60%, more than 5x that of Sanders who comes in a very distant second place with 10%, the rest basically doesn't exist. I don't think this is about policy but name recognition that nobody else has. With the high proportion of black Dems primary vote Biden has already won.

(60% of those who actually gave a vote went to Biden)

It's due to having been the vice president of the first black president that he has this following from the black community. The problem is that it's slowly melting and they are a very big part of the reason why Biden is leading (the other being the majority of the establishment/moderate votes and the boomers/silent). Like you said, he was at 60%, but the poll you're linked shows him already down to 47%, as more and more see that his policies are not for them or rehashes of those from other ones running, mostly Sanders and Warren.

The result is that he's slowly sliding down in the polls. While he took a hit from Harris in the first debate, he was back to 30-35% in the national polls by late July. Now, he mostly tracks below 30% in the polls even though the second debate had no direct effect on him and Harris is back to where she came from in the polls.

My prediction is that Joe's clout (not his policies) is an unchangeable Juggernaut that will make him unstoppable once we reach the southern states with the higher percentage of black Dems voters. He will crush his Dem enemies, see them driven before him, and to hear the lamentation of their women! 

Sanders is already dead in the waters since he endorsed HER in 2016. He lost half of his voter base permanently there and I don't know why he is even trying. He will endorse Biden in the end like he did last time. Can't get fooled again.

Warren's stick will work fine with white voters and can make her competitive in majority white states but will get nearly nothing from black or hispanic Dems (no clout), so she is toast too.

Tulsi and Yang are high-information candidates that will never penetrate into the consciousness of the average Dem without the backing of the msm.