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I wanted to share this video because I think it showcases a couple important points. This youtube creator goes through the court documents of a recent case in which a father claims that the mother of his son has forced him to be transgender. This has been reported by several conservative and centrist outlets with the slant that the father allows the son to wear whatever he wants at home, and that the mother forces the son to dress as a girl: Court documents, however, show the opposite. The mother allows the child to dress as either gender if they so choose, and the father has only boys' clothing at his home and told the mother in emails he will not take his son to a soccer game as a "make-believe girl". 

What I find interesting is not just that this "new" information backs up suspicions I've had about this case from the get go (pretty sure that kids being forced to act as the gender they were assigned at birth is way more common than what was originally being asserted), but that it shows the usefullness of youtube as a media outlet. I don't think a standard news outlet could put in hour aside just to go through court documents and debunk claims made by conservative outlets, but it's important none the less. To be fair, I've currently only gotten to the 27 minute mark on this hour long video so maybe it becomes terrible after that, but what I've seen thus far is well sourced and illuminating for this case. 

I considered using this as a reply to a recent thread about whether allowing kids to be trans was child abuse, but that was not about this case in particular so I thought it best as a thread in itself. 
