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tsogud said:

Maybe it feels that way because maybe *GASP* you're wrong in your conclusion??? No one that I saw dismissed you as though you said nothing. What I saw is that you came in with a radical idea and people were trying to figure out where you were coming from and were debating your conclusion you set forward because most here feel legalization and legislation is the way to deal with these issues. 

That last paragraph was really sexist and incredibly ignorant of what was said by many of the people here. It's like you choose to not see what is being said and instead carry on with your conclusion.

I could always be wrong I guess, but I remain decidedly unconvinced, much as you remain convinced in your correctness.

Questions like prostitution are largely gendered issues. Does one really not expect me to reach any gendered conclusions or have any gendered observations here?

As I have already pointed out, believing that prostitution is bad for women is NOT a "radical idea", it's the view of most of the world's population most likely. I've provided some survey data to indicate that.