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Healthcare and college have increased in cost because both are viewed as billion dollar industries, as opposed to services to better society.  Places like Yale have endowments large enough to give kids free education for over a hundreds years.  But Yale continues to charge 50k because money.  Same is true with healthcare.  I remember a doctor charging me $686 for 2 minutes of his time, he confirmed that my incision wasn't infected...  which I could have done myself.  Children's Hospital in Cincinnati, I used to work there, is worth billions.  They idea they have to charge an absurd amount because of government is absolutely a false narrative.  In fact the head of Children's is an ex-VP from PF Changs...  because that makes sense.  Well it does, if a hospital, which is classified as non profit, wants to optimize profits at the expense of the sick.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 14 July 2019