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Joe Sestak. You have to be fucking kidding me. This guy ran for Senate in 2016 in the primaries and lost, splitting the anti-establishment vote because he's supposedly a "maverick" but he's not all that impressive. He's the reason the Dems ended up nominating Katie McGinty for Senate and losing to Pat Toomey of all people, instead of running the awesome dude who would become the current Lt. Governor, John Fetterman. And all this after he'd already lost to Pat Toomey before in 2010. Joe should just go. I mean politically, he's not all that bad. Isn't afraid to criticize Israel, pretty good environmental record, pretty good record for women's rights, the NRA hates him, good record with unions, etc. but he's never really gone above and beyond with his positions, he's only a maverick because he didn't play nice with the establishment when they wanted to run a literal ex-Republican. Which I respect and all, but again, he split the anti-establishment vote in 2016 and gave us 6 more years of Pat Toomey, and at best all he'll accomplish is to be another candidate to split the anti-establishment vote in this election too and we'll end up with Biden as our nominee and Trump as our president. I mean I almost feel bad for the guy because he's not the worst politician to have representing you by any means, but there are so many better choices right now, and he wants to be the 25th fucking candidate right before the debates start? Come on, Joe...